Chapter 1: The wolf princesse

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"Maybe we should make her wear this, so she could look slightly like a dog"

"Yeah but then what? She can't always have it on or she could start having a tantrum"

"Girls maybe it would be best if we allowed her to choose"

"You all know i'm right here and I can hear you all"

The trio turned to the female white wolf with bright pink markings on her fur, Marinette and Alya were her first friends when she arrived to there side of the forest and had helped her get into Alya's home to rest, eat and bathe before telling more about herself while Nino a young boy from the castle encountered the wolf by accident and was about to hurt her until Mari came in to stop him and he became friends with her soon after as the trio were the only ones able to hear her talking to them by her thoughts and knew her name "Sorry Jas, guess we forgot" Alya said making the wolf sigh before curling up into a ball while the trio spoke once more without her listening to them at the moment "Come now Jasmine, why don't the two of us go for a little hunting" Nino suggested making her stand and get ready to leave together while the two girls ignored them by talking about Jas and what she should wear making the duo roll there eyes as they walked out.

The trio turned to the female white wolf with bright pink markings on her fur, Marinette and Alya were her first friends when she arrived to there side of the forest and had helped her get into Alya's home to rest, eat and bathe before telling mor...

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"So, is there anything you wish to hunt for in particular my dear?" Nino asked as they got into a nice part of the forest to hunt, she was now used to the forest and could now tell where it was dangerous to go into after four months of being in the form she gained "Some rabbits would be good since there in season right now, meaning even if we got some there would still be a bunch left" she said making the boy nod as they got to work together, by the time the sun settled the duo got a bunch with some berries and plants for Mari and were now going back to Alya's home where Mari came out over to them with worry "I'm glad you two are alright, I thought something had happened" she explained making Nino explain to her what they were doing making Mari smile at how thoughtful they were to get all of this as she could now make some stew for them making Jas smile at her as they walked inside to see no Alya in the house making Nino and Jas look at Mari.

"Oh right, Alya went to buy some things for supper tonight" Mari explained as Jas went over to the window to look outside, Nino and Mari knew that look she had now as it was the one she always had when she thought about how much fun she had as a h...

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"Oh right, Alya went to buy some things for supper tonight" Mari explained as Jas went over to the window to look outside, Nino and Mari knew that look she had now as it was the one she always had when she thought about how much fun she had as a human before turning into what she was now making Mari go over to her for comfort as Alya walks into the home to see the situation "I must get going now, but I shall return around the afternoon" Nino said before walking out as he knew the girl's heard him, Mari then went to cooking supper while Alya got to brushing Jasmine's fur before getting everything ready for the stew "Alya, could you come and help me for a bit?" Mari asked as Alya went to help leaving Jas to look at the sky as she thought back to one of her favorite things to do during the night when there was a full moon "I wish I could sing to my garden" she said making her two friends look at her with a sad face "We know hun, but don't forget just a few more days and when the full moon is up you can sing to that garden!" Alya exclaimed making Jas turn to her with a small smile on her face from her friends words before going back to looking outside her window.

"Oh right, Alya went to buy some things for supper tonight" Mari explained as Jas went over to the window to look outside, Nino and Mari knew that look she had now as it was the one she always had when she thought about how much fun she had as a h...

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"I hope it get's better for her Alya, Jas won't handle much more of this" Mari whispered to her friend, they never liked it when Jas was like this because it made them feel like this was there fault but really it was just because her parents refused to let two simple witches live in there castle until they have a home in there kingdom, when Jas told them about what she knew the two girls hated her parents like Jas did and only wanted her to be happy like a mother would for there child "Don't worry, Nino said that the king allowed the prince's to come over to the village with some of his men so she might fall in love with one of them" Alya explained making Mari nod before going back to cooking the stew making Jas wonder what tomorrow would bring to her.

That night later on the three girls went to sleep in there usual place but not Jasmine, she had a hard time to sleep that night for she thought to have felt something familiar around the house almost like also something bad would soon happen making her worry as she goes back to the window to see if anything or anyone was there somewhere making her worry so much "Jas go to bed, it's late" Mari mumbled making Jas sigh and nod before going back to sleep while until morning where Mari would make her try something to make her look safer to others then right now as Chloe Bourgois only thinks that Jas is a monster that would eat them all which she wouldn't mind doing to Chloe at all as she is annoying to her taste right now with all her talking about how she would be married to one of the Agreste prince's soon making her only want to gag.

The next day Jas went straight to making the table for breakfast, it always was her job anyway "Hello! I am here to assist!" Nino claimed as he walked in with sweets, fruits and other sorts of foods for Jas and the gang to enjoy together, the two girls were still sleeping so Nino suggested that they both go outside for a small walk "By the way I believe that the prince's will be out in a few hours, so the two must be ready before then" he said before getting Jas into a tub to get her cleaned "I like it better when you clean me, your gentle while Alya yanks my fur off while Mari loves to do it and gets it done nicely" Jas said making Nino chuckle at her kind words as he worked to make her look amazing for later on, they then went out for there walk making sure that Jas acted like a good wolf around others as she helps people with things nicely making them like her even more unlike Chloe who wanted her gone for there home soon "I believe we should get some bread" Nino said making him then buy some before going back to see Mari and Alya already getting ready to eat making them eat together before they would need to leave to see the prince's.

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