Chapter 2: The prince Adrien

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Adrien had a two year older brother named Felix, and while he was the oldest Adrien was chosen to become the next king of the kingdom after there father passes, when they were younger Adrien and Felix played with there mother everyday outside or even in the castle with there father at times making them all happy until the queen got badly sick mysteriously making them need to just watch as she grew weaker until she died leaving the king alone to watch his sons as they did what they always did practice there sword practise, studying, archery and be in there rooms wishing there father would look at them as he would be proud of them. Now he was able to go look around the village with his brother for the first time in years making him smile, he always wanted to see it after what Nino and Nathaniel told him and his brother "You do both know that Chloe and Lila will be both there right?" Nathaniel says making them slightly shiver from thinking of both of them as they always think they will become there whives "We just need to see someone else as our future wife's" Felix said as he made sure his suit was well placed on him right now while his brother just looked out the window where the village was at the moment as people were just moving around with there day like nothing was wrong at all.

He smiled when he saw his friend Nino with two other girls which one of them being Alya was a girl that Nino liked very much making try to tell him to just ask her to be with him but he would only say that it wasn't the right time, it was then that he noticed something white and furry walking beside him which made him wonder if it was alright "Let's get going, the king is waiting at the entrance" Nathalie the kings assitante said as she was at the door right now waiting for them to get going. Once outside guards stood around them to keep the two princes safe from harm making them wish it was not needed but it was the kings order and they must be always followed no matter what, Adrien watched as young girls tried to get his and his brother's attention to be noticed and be selected as there future wife choice making him roll his eyes and groan until he saw Nino with Alya and another girl who he noticed caught Felix's attention right now as he then saw the white furry creature had pink markings and was actually a wolf making him look at there brown eyes that look more human then animal.

It made him wonder why they looked like that, was that wolf just different from others of there kind? it made him think as he understood that the wolf was actually a female and she looked to be looking at him at the moment making him wonder who she belonged to at the moment, he was curious and just wanted to have a closer look at her right now making him turn to Nathaniel "Those two girls beside Nino with the wolf, I would like to meet them at some point today with my brother" he whispered making the red haired boy look over to said people for a moment before nodding and moving away from him to get to his task making him smile at how Nathaniel worked hard for him. He looked around to make sure that neither Chloe or Lila were anywhere close to him and Felix right now as the guards allowed them to both look around the village on there own right now "I asked Nathaniel to get us to meet Nino's friends and that wolf" he explained as said boy came over to take them to the small group who was waiting for them close to a nice large tree right now to eat some lunch right now with the three boys who were more then happy to join them in there meal as the wolf simply laid close to Nino and next to Adrien as his brother was next to him and Marinette who had Nathaniel next to her.

It him see that the two boys liked her as the wolf only watched like this was easy to understand and that it was funny to see how Marinette did not notice it at all right now, they ate together while talking while the wolf aso ate the same thing as they did "She doesn't eat what animals eat but what we eat and she's difficult about it" Alya said as the wolf's tail slapped right on the face making Alya glare at her right now while the wolf only looked away like nothing happened at the moment. Felix was talking to Marinette who looked slightly nervous about the prince while Nathaniel  was having a hard time talking to her as best he could but he was stuttering the whole time he tried to speak to her right now, Adrien looked at the wolf "She has a name that only those who figure it out on there own can say it. I, Marinette and Alya know it but those are the only ones who know" Nino had told him.

(Because of the curse, only certain people who figure it out without someone telling it or her saying it can hear her voice in there heads)

He wish he could know but it was clear that he would need to be patient about this part of the wolf but someday he felt like he would figure it out on his own, he smiled as the wolf helped a little girl find her doll before giving her a ride back to where her mother was at the moment making he like how kind she was towards the girl and her mother before coming back to where they were at the moment as he wish a girl was like that somewhere around her as he did not know that the wolf was a true princesse who needed her true love to say her name on his own when he loves her back.

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