Chapter 7: The curse broken

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"Hey, can you get these books for me please? and once you do you can pick one for yourself to read" Adrien said to Jasmine who was still a wolf as he handed her a piece of paper with names of books, she had hopped to be human soon yet with the party being soon she would have no choice but to be a wolf during the party "Also my brother should be there at the moment so just don't mind him" Adrien added with a smile as she nodded and left making him sigh as Plagg and Tikki "When are you going to say her name now that you know she's the girl kid? Once you do the curse will be lifted off her!" Plagg asked as Tikki smacked him on the back of his head, Adrien had gotten a few days ago the last image that told him the girl's name and that she was this whole time the very wolf who saved him as once he figured out the name the two fairies told him about the curse as the girl was turned into the very wolf who has been watching him "I'm going to do it tonight, once she's human i'll bring her in for the party and ask her to be mine" Adrien explained with a sigh as he hoped it would work as he really wanted this to work right now as to see what the girl truly looks like when she is no longer a wolf and is actually a human.

"I believe that it's for the best if you at least told your father about this so he knows that the wolf will become a human" Tikki said making him nod as he then thought about her once more, once he figured out her name he had dreams of what she looked like and what she does most of the time making him fall in love with her "Besides it's certain that they both like each other" she added as Jas came in with the books all on her making Adrien help her set them down "I need to go speak to my father so you can stay here" he said making her nod as she took the three books she wanted to read in her corner and got to reading moments after he left to speak to his father as she started to read the books that she never saw before back in her home kingdom and with so many books where she is now well in total she wasn't going to get bored at the moment for any time now so she was having fun with all these books as she then at half way in the first book of the three she fell asleep.

"Hey, Jasmine? Wake up now" opening her eyes she saw Adrien watching her with a smile as she then realized that he had said her name "Ah!" she exclaimed as she then realized that she was now human and wearing the very outfit she wore when she became human and Adrien first saw her as a human, he helped her to stand slowly as it was certain that since it had been such a long since she walked on two legs in total "You, sp-spoke my name" she said as he voice sounded dry with how long she hadn't spoken with her voice unlike when Adrien first saw her she had sang so her voice was normal when he spoke to her "Images of you kept coming to my mind so they helped me to know what your name is" Adrien explained making her nod as he helped her to his bed so as to let her get some sleep until he could get a few things ready to help her get back used to being human again like she had been before and not a wolf as now she needed to adjust again.

"Get some sleep, i'll get something for you to eat" he said making her slightly nod as she went back to sleep, he noticed that glasses she wears were still on so he slowly moved to set them down somewhere else before going to get her something to eat and to get her something else to wear for now as she get's used to being back to a human "You do know she's gonna need help kid" Plagg said making Adrien groan as Tikki moved closer to him "All you need to do is stay close to her as you like her she need's to know and at the same time adjust once more" she said making him smile and nod to her as he got himself and Jas something to eat that is simple while quickly going to his mother's closet to get somethings for Jas to wear, once he got to his room he saw his father there watching the young girl "So this is the one who was the wolf who saved you?" he asked making Adrien nod "Yes, she was from what I discovered cursed and turned into a wolf, it was to be lifted only by a man who is in love with her and says her name" he explained making his father nod "I wish to speak with her once she awakens" he said before walking out of the room.

As he sets everything down Jas had woken up and was watching him quietly move around and then closed her eyes as he was turning to face her, slowly he moved to her side so to quietly wake her up so she could get clean and eat "I also brought you a dress to change into" he said making her nod as she slowly got out of the bed and followed him to his bathroom so she could take a shower and get used to being once again a human and not a wolf, Adrien got the shower started as she waited quietly for him to then leave the room so she could remove her clothes and jewels so she could then take her shower "I'll be waiting on the other side of this room if you need me just call for me" he said making her nod as he left the room leaving her in silence to get into the shower to get cleaned with the items that were there for her to use to clean herself up making her smile as she remembered how to do so and got to it with her hair first and then her body making her smile at how nice it felt after all this time as once done she stopped the shower and got out to get dry.

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