Chapter 8: Getting ready

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Once in the towel she walked out of the room as the memories of how to do things and all of the princess and future queen lessons she had been given came back to her as second nature with every other lessons for the many things she loved to do, as Adrien turned to her he blushed as he wasn't used to seeing her at the moment "I got a dress that once belonged to my mother for you to wear" he said as he turned to grab it making her blush at him for a moment as she slowly moved over to him so to take the dress to change in the bathroom making him blush as he had no idea as to what he should do, the dress was a nice and simple teal blue and silver dress as she felt a feeling that she was being sooth as she placed it on her and looked at herself by looking in the mirror as she nodded to the way she looked and walked back out of the bathroom to see Adrien reading a book as he sat on a chair making her look at him confused a bit on the way he looked nervous at the moment.

She slowly walked over to him and waited in hopes for him to notice that she was then next to him but alas he did not so she went towards the table where the food was and ate some before walking out of the room to look around as a human and not a wolf as Nathalie came over to her side "The king request to speak with you" she said making Jas nod "May I know where he might be at the moment?" she asked as when in the bathroom she had done her best to adjust in talking as Nathalie nodded "He's in his study, i'll take you there if you wish" she said making Jas nod and follow, as they walked Nathalie would explain to her history of certain items around the place making Jas then ask certain questions that made her not mind of explaining more about it as they got to the door of the study "In here, my lord? I brought her to you" she said before opening the door to let Jas go inside to see the king looking at her "Tell me your name" he said making her nod and curtesy towards him "I am princess Jasmine Lessard of the Rainbow kingdom, daughter to queen Josée and king Gilles" she said making him nod.

"Please sit" he said making her nod and do so "You must know that tonight is the ball" he said making her nod to his words "The reason was to announce the marriage of my sons to miss Chloe Bourgeois and miss Lila Rossi, but I believe that Felix has fallen for another girl and Adrien has felt a liking towards you" he explained making her nod as she followed him with her eyes as he stood and walked a bit around the room "I believe Adrien will request for you to be his and I want you to be honest when he does with your feelings" he requested making her nod "Also my wife's dress fits you well" he added with a small smile making her lightly blush "She wore it when I first saw her" he said as he then told her the story of there lives together making her listen, as she then told him the reason for her turning into a wolf and what she discovered to hear her parents say that made her vanish.

After they spoke she was allowed to take her leave and to look around making her thank him for listening to her story making him smile and allow her to come in when she needed someone to talk with making her nod and go back to Adrien's room, when she got there she saw that he was asleep making her smile as she moved over to his side to place a blanket over him as the sight of a small box caught her as she went to read a book close to the window so to look outside as she wonders about going to see her friends and see if she could help them at some point as the three books she had brought back had yet to be read by her so she went into reading them as she waits, As the sun started to set Adrien woke up realizing that the party would be soon and that Jas was there reading at the moment making him blush at how she looked "Oh, hello Adrien miss Nathalie came by to bring us both an outfit to wear for tonight" she said making him nod as he tried to hide his blush but failed with how she looked making her giggle at him as he failed and wished to have done better.

"I asked to be brought some tea for you to take so to wake up as well" she said as she poured him a cup to drink making Adrien thank her softly as he took a few sips as it was still hot, smiling softly towards him she then moved to get the dress she was to wear for tonight so as to allow Adrien to relax and dress himself while she get's herself ready in the bathroom but all he could do was think of the way she looked and how quickly she was able to get used to being a human once more making him wonder if she trained herself to be like that or something as he finished the tea and went to get dressed in the very outfit his father must have prepared for him making Adrien sigh as his father once more controlled him to do certain things as he hopes that control would end on him soon enough so he could dress with what he wanted for once in his life.

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