Chapter 4: The new guard

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Two guards took the dead body away as Jas walked over to Nino where she believed would be better, the king ate with his son who would look over towards the wolf making her wonder what was wrong as he looked a bit worried as Nathalie went over to the king to listen to something before moving over to Nino and Jas "The king decided that the wolf is to become a guard for prince Adrien and at times the king and prince Felix, in order for this to happen she is to live in prince Adrien's room and is to have a name so as to not keep calling her wolf" she explained making Jas nod towards Nino as she spoke to him of her request so as to make it sound like he knows her well "Alright but, Marinette and Alya are good friends to her and is very close to them so they must be able to visit her at any time or she won't do what she is told, she also must be named by the prince Adrien himself as he will be the only one able to do it, others can give her a name but he must figure out her name himself" Nino explained making Nathalie nod before going over to the king to speak about this and see if it was alright.

"Was I asking for too much Nino?" she asked making him sigh as he didn't have the answer to that question at the moment, they waited until Nathalie came back to nod to them making Jas understand that the king had accepted her request to become a guard for the king and his sons making her wish she could smile and jump for joy but for now this was alright to her, she instead sat down and watched around to see if anything was wrong at the moment making her smile when nothing was wrong as the meal came to an end as she wished Nino a good night as he left to tell everything to the girls while she follows Adrien to his room where she had to stay in from now on also to keep him safe from any danger which to her was a bit too much.

In the end it wasn't the too much was in the morning where she had to be close to him the whole time even as he washed himself, trained or had to go to the bathroom she had to be close to him which made her want to bark I QUIT! and leave the castle but even if she did nobody would understand her, so instead she sighed and looked away as he bathed "Do you wish to be cleaned?" Adrien asked as to her surprise made her join him in his bath as she turned bright red in her mind if she had been human at the moment which she was glad she wasn't or the prince would have noticed her blush as she just wished to forget this ever happened as she allowed him to wash her slowly.

When he was done in cleaning her she almost jumped out of the bath and ran out but she simply got out and looked away as he got out and got a towel to dry himself off, making her sigh she waited until he was done drying her to leave the room where Marinette to her joy held a brush and waited for her making her run to her friend as she sat down to allow her friend to brush her slowly and gently making Jas lie down on her stomach as she closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep as she allowed her friend to comb her, Adrien walked out dressed to see what was going on and simply watched as Marinette combed the wolf as another image appeared to his mind but this time it was in a village as it snows with villagers going over to the person he was looking from there perspective as he tried to watch what they each said to figure out who he was looking from at the moment, but by the time he thought to have seen the name of the person or at least something he was back in his room making him sigh as he realised it was always as he watches or touches the wolf making him wonder how she was related to this.

Instead he turned as Nathalie walked in to give him his schedule for the day making him nod and move to go with her as Marinette was done making the wolf go with them as Marinette went with them as Alya wasn't here yet because she was busy for now, he watched slowly as the wolf just walked beside the young girl making him smile as he noticed that the wolf had nothing around her neck meaning she did not belong to someone yet making him wonder what it would look like once she had one, when he saw his brother Felix ready to train with the sword he got ready as well as Marinette and the wolf sat down together to watch them train as they wait for both Alya and Nino to get here later on in the day so they can be together and talk a bit.

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