Scene One - What I Go To School For

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Phil couldn't stop staring at Dan in class. He knew he should just in case Dan looked over, but he's done it a millions times. 

Looks like a million and one was his lucky, or maybe even unlucky number because Dan looked back at him as soon as the bell rung. Phil smiled and waved at Dan as he was standing up. Phil's heart raced, he got nervous as Dan waltzed over. 

"Hey babe," Dan says, walking past Phil.

Emily Davis. President of the school's chess club, dance team, softball team, one of the best singers in Vocal Ensemble, the highest choir the school has, STUCO treasurer, bound to be valedictorian. Dan's girlfriend. She has the best sense of style, was extremely sweet to everyone, no wonder she was dating Dan.

"Hi," She says and Phil can hear their lips pull apart after a few minutes. 

Bleh. Phil thought.

Phil pouted a bit and walked out of the classroom, not wanting to be around the couple. It was time for lunch where he was going to meet Alexis and Matthew. They were really his only friends. Phil and Matt basically ran the school's GSA with maybe 2 other members. As Phil walked through the halls, he did his usual routine of smiling at people. 

Phil was the type of person who believed that kindness was key to life and that people change people. His mum and dad always taught him that he should always look out on life with a positive attitude. Besides, you never know if someone is having a bad day and a small smile could change it. 

"Hey Phil!" Matt says as soon as he gets to the table, Alexis following with a hi.

"Hey guys," Phil smiles and takes his wallet out of his back pack. "I'll be right back; gonna get some chips."

Phil set his bag down on his chair and walked off to the lunch line, which has died down by now. After waiting for a bit in the line, Phil walks up.

"What can I get for you?" The lunch lady asks.

"Large chips, please," Phil says and smiles while she nods.

"Thank you. Have a good day," Phil says and walks off to pay. 

Phil gives the money and looks over to his table, where his friend Dodie has joined them. Phil walks over to the soda fountain to get his drink and napkins for the table. As soon as Phil turns around, he feels the coldness of a drink spill on him. He looked up in shock at who it was, but was in even more shock when he saw who spilled it.

Daniel Mother Fucking Howell. 

"Oh my God! I'm so fucking sorry!" He said loudly.

"It's okay. D-don't worry," Phil says and smiles at Dan. 

"You must feel sticky. Lets go get you cleaned up," Dan says, causing Phil to blush intensely. 


As the two were walking out, Phil looked back at his friends, who were in fact looking at him. Alexis was giving him a thumbs up while Dodie was laughing and Matt was just speaking. The only would he could see was "clumsy" and he knew it was about him.

"Do you have an extra shirt?" Dan asks, looking at Phil.

"No. I wear the same shirt I have on for gym," Phil says and looks down, still blushing.

"I have an extra one. I just brought it in today and I have gym next hour, but you can borrow it," Dan says and smiles at Phil. 

"Are you sure?" Phil questions. 


The two walk to the boys locker room and make their way over to Dan's locker. Phil knew where it was. He wasn't being creepy, he just knows because they have gym together. Dan puts his combination in and opens it up. He grabs the newly cleaned school shirt and hands it over to the inky haired boy. Phil said a quiet thank you and took off his shirt, quickly replacing it with the new one. 

The shirt fit him well and he was thankful, but tried to roll up the arm sleeves since they were a bit long. Dan could see him struggling with his one hand rolling up the fabric.

"Do you need some help?" Dan laughs lightly.

"Please?" Phil chuckles, lifting his arm up and allowing Dan access to the sleeve. 

He moves around Phil a bit so he can get to the other sleeve and rolls that one too. Once he's done, he gives Phil a smile.

"Have I seen you before?" Dan asks with a slight chuckle.

Yeah kind of. I mean, it's not like we haven't been in the same classes since preschool. Just a little bit, Phil thinks.

"Probably. We have English, math, and gym together so," Phil says awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh shit that's right! I'm sorry man," Dan says and punches Phil's shoulder with a smile.

"It's all good.... my dude?" Phil says and Dan laughs.

"Let's get back to lunch yeah?" Dan asks and Phil nods.

The two begin to walk out of the locker room and back down the hall, out the doors, and pass the fence for the outdoor portion of the cafeteria. As soon as the get back into the lunch room, Dan says goodbye and apologizes again for spilling soda on him and goes to his friends, to which Phil does the same.

"For fucks sake Matthew stop hitting girls!" Alexis whines after Matt annoyed her.

"With your attitude I'm about to hit a girl," He says and makes a fist at her, but cowers when she makes a sour face at him.

"Ah! Phil what the hell happened?" Dodie asks as soon as Phil sits down. 

"Well Dan spilled kick start on me so," Phil says.

"We saw!" they all stated.

"What happened?" Alexis presses.

"Well he apologized and offered me his shirt!" Phil said excitedly.

"His shirt?" Matthew asks.

"Well his gym shirt but it's still his and oh my god he helped me roll the sleeves and i almost melted like he could have just left me with a gross shirt all day but he went and let me use his clean gym shirt and it smells so good," Phil rambles and eventually gets cut off by Dodie.

"Yes Phil we get it you love him," She giggles. 

"He's great. Now if only we can get him away from Emily." Matthew says. 

hello my hooligans i'm gonna cry because alexis and matthew are based off of my real friends and today was he last day of school and i'm going to miss them so much. like writing them in this will hurt me.

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this!! i've been told to update this and since it's now summer vacation i will write more (hopefully) i love you all more than my bed!!


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