You and I

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Before Jake and I started dating, there was a series of events that occurred, and not all of them were good. After the first night where I met Jakob, we started texting every day without fail. In school, we would always say hi to each other and whenever one of us had a free period, we would spend it together. We started to get really close and hung out with yg squad (friend group at church) every Friday after church. Neither of us missed a Friday because we wanted to see each other. People became curious as to our friendship, and constantly asked us if we were more than just "friends". We always played it off cooly and made jokes out of it, but I think we also became curious as to where this relationship was headed. At first, I was just excited to be his friend. He was one of the most genuine,kind, intelligent, and caring guys I had ever met. Our friendship was something I never wanted to lose, but I wondered what would happen if we were to become more than just "friends". The thought intrigued me, and I often found myself thinking about Joo Hwan and whether or not he would like me back if I were to like him.

Than it all kind of plummeted.

One Friday night I got to church, excited to see Jake because I hadn't seen him at school all week.

An hour passed. Service was now over.

Yg squad went to the movies. 4 hours had gone by. No reply from Jake.

I check my phone one more time before getting in the car to see that Jake still hadn't read my text. Upset, I check snapchat and watch stories to get my mind off of it. That's when I saw it.

Jake was at another girls house? What was Jake doing at McKenna Bradley's (one of the few white girls at our school) house? Why was he on her story? What were they doing? Was this the reason he couldn't respond to my texts? He hasn't missed a single Friday since he started coming to youth group nights. I needed someone to explain the situation to me before I broke down.

I guess I was just imagining things. Maybe me and Jake really are meant to just be friends.

I asked yg squad about the reason why Jake was at some girls house instead of at church. None of them knew. The next Monday at school I ignored him in the halls. I don't know why I did that, considering I had zero reason to be upset with him. I didn't any of his texts since Friday night. Than finally Jake broke the silence. He came to our usual "4th period on Tuesday's spot". I honestly do not know why I was even there; force of habit.

"Hey Hannah, I know your mad, but if you don't tell me what I did to upset you, I can't fix my mistakes. So please 푸러 ("pooreo"- let it go, get un mad) and tell me what I did wrong so I can make it up to you."
"I don't have a right to be mad at you, but for some reason every time I see your face I want to run in the opposite direction. When you text me I want to reply but I can't bring myself to it."
"I know. Now tell me whats wrong so I can fix this please Hannah?"
"Why were you at McKenna Bradley's house on Friday night? Are you guys like a thing? Who else was there? Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming to church?"
"Why the freak are you laughing?!"
"Are you jealous right now? It was Mckenna's bday party and I did text you to tell you I wasn't going to be there, you never replied! And no, we are not a thing. You already know who I like."
"Who do you like because I don't know."
"I like you Hannah Dahye Kim."

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