Together We Smiled

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Wow. It's funny hoe there is only that one fight the entire time we were together. The entire 3 years. One fight. Over something so stupid as grades. Never again will we fight, because he was too caring, loving, considerate, and I wouldn't let him be so alone.

Sometimes when I couldn't sleep I would just look at pictures we had taken together.

Most of them were silly, because he was silly, and I loved that about him so much.

He was never serious when he didn't have to be, and he could brighten up even my worst days.

Sometimes I wonder if he was ever exhausted. Not physically, but emotionally. How could one person be so bright and shining all the time?

I later found out the answer to this question.

However, that slipped my mind most days because when we were together, we were always smiling, always happy.

I often wonder what my life would be like if he had stayed for senior year.

How would I be smiling today?

Would my smile be brighter than the old days?

To this day, I still remember that everytime I saw Jakob, my smile would brighten up. It got bigger and bigger each time I saw him.

"Hannah! Look what I got you!!!" Jakob says, beaming as he holds up a minion doll in front of me.
"No way!!! Ahhh!!" I scream reaching for the doll.
"Not so fast there sister. You have to earn the doll," He teases.
"Come and get it!!!"
I chase him around the park, laughing and screaming.
"Give me a kiss! And than the minion will be glad to enter your home!" He screams from the opposite side of the bench.
"Thats not fair!" I pout.
He walks towards me, lifts me up, and kisses me shortly but sweetly. I hold the minion in my arms overjoyed, but not because of the doll.
"Why do you smile so beautifully?" Jakob says as he stares at me while I admire my minion.

In that moment, I was so so so so soooooooo happy. All I could do was smile and keep smiling. I felt like I could smile forever.

I took that moment for granted. I thought those smiles would always be with me. I thought he would always be with me.

I was never ever sad with Jakob. I might have been sad before he was next to me, but he always put a smile on my face.

"Do you ever get sick of each other?"
People asked all the time.

How could you ever get sick of the person you love? The person who lets you cry on his shoulder when you are sad? The person who lifts you up when you are having a hard time? The person who makes you smile over the little things? The person who makes you laugh in the worst times? The person who has never left your side?

You don't. You never get sick of them.

Why? I couldn't tell you. But I know that love is the one at fault.

Love isn't all the fluffy mushy things you read about in fanfics and watch in dramas.

Love is caring for your person. Love is hurting when they are hurt. Love is wondering if they ate well while you are away. Love is putting your person's needs before yours. Love is making sure your person gets to nap in the car even if you have to drive four hours. Love is waking up at 4 am in the morning because your person says they can't sleep. Love is giving up your everything for your person.

Love is laughing at his jokes even when they aren't funny. Love is feeling JOYful just at the thought of your person. Love is when there is nothing left but smiles.

Love shouldn't end. Because if your love ends, so do your smiles.

"Where did your bright smiles go?" they ask.

They went with him.

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