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"Do you wanna go out a little later today? I have a great brunch place that I know you would like."
Jakob texted me this the Saturday morning after the day we confessed to each other. We weren't dating yet, but we were a thing, and somehow everyone at church and school already knew about it. Someone we told had a very big mouth (I still don't know who spilled it), but we didn't really mind since everyone expected it anyways. I still cant believe that Joo Hwan likes me. I knew we were getting close and everything, but some part of me always doubted that he liked me since he was always with other girls. He told me that he also doubted because there were always "plenty of other guys" around me, but when I got upset, he didn't doubt that I liked him as more than a friend.

That morning I got ready with more excitement than I have felt in a very long time. Ever since I entered middle school, I have had this extreme pressure on me to be "the perfect Korean daughter". I spend most of my time studying, and when I'm not studying, I'm volunteering or running a club, or playing sports/instruments; never am I not preparing for college. The only times I get to have fun are at church on Friday nights. I do this by choice tho, if I wanted to go out and play all the time, my parents probably would let me, as long as I maintain my grades and extracurricular activities. Today was a day for me. A day where I, myself, would CHOOSE to go out and do something that would actually make me happy. From this moment on, I would choose to give any extra time I had to this special boy named Jakob Joo Hwan Shin.

You might think that I would have forgotten most of the details of our first date by now. It's. been 2 and a half years and I still can remember the scent of the cafe we went to. I can remember the noises and the feeling. I remember what Jakob and I were both wearing, I remember the mascara I wore that day. I remember how he smiled at me when he first saw me walk towards him as he was waiting outside for me. I remember the cologne he was wearing. It was Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani. I remember that I ordered a waffle dish and he ordered a pancake dish because I couldn't decide whether I wanted the pancakes or the waffles. I remember how there was a tiny little piece of his hair sticking out from the side of his bangs and how I wanted to fix it so bad, but I didn't. I remember I posted a picture of him eating on my story, and that was the most views and replies I have ever gotten on any story before.

I remember all these details but I don't remember ever feeling upset or nervous or anxious the entire time. I remember being happy, excited, I remember laughing and smiling, feeling all giggly and warm inside. This feeling would never fade, and only become warmer the more I got to know Jakob as someone more than just a friend.

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