Together We Fought

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Our relationship wasn't always the most perfect thing. There are always rough patches and dark moments in a relationship. I wish I could turn back time and undo these little arguments; if I only I knew I couldn't have him forever.

I remember our only fight. It was right after midterms when I got a lower grade than Jakob on the AP Chem midterm. I know, I am extremely petty.

I started crying, not because he had beaten me in a grade, but because I felt stupid. I missed questions I shouldn't have, and even though I got a 96, I was even more upset that if I had gotten two more questions right, it would've been an A plus.

Jakob did everything he could to comfort me. He brought all my favorite foods and snacks to my house because he knew I loved to eat when I was stressed. But every time he tried texting me or coming over, I would yell at him. I am not really sure why I did this, because my grade was a good grade. I think all the stress I had accumulated hit me at once and I decided to take it out on the only one who could destress me.

As you could tell, Jakob was probably fed up with it. He tried coming over one more time and than I blew up on him. He left the house and didnt talk to me for the next two weeks. Even at youth group we remained seperate. People were getting suspicious and kept on asking me what was wrong. Some people even thought that we had broken up.

Funny isnt it? Break up over a grade. I was stupid and didnt realize than that I would need his hugs and snacks and comfort more than anything.

Why was I so stupid? Why was I so unreasonable? Why was I like this?

We once almost fought again, but Jakob being how he is, prevented this.

Someone spread nasty rumours about me being at a crazy party with my ex.

Jakob texted me and told me to meet him at his house. He asked me about what happened and I told him that it was all a lie. I was studying all weekend and stayed home all weekend. I thought he was going to call me out for telling a lie. I thought he was going to trust others instead of me. I thought he was going to be malicious like the rest and say that I am thirsty and that I am a liar when I am not.

But he didn't.
He didn't even say anything.
He apologized for not trusting me.

He shouldn't have apologized that day. I should've apologized for not thinking about his feelings as much as he thought of mine. I should've apologized for everything Ive done to him and all the trouble Ive caused. I should've apologized for a million different things, but I didn't and that was another mistake I made.

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