Together We Weren't

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"Your... your doing what?!" I ask tears welling up in my eyes.

It was the end of junior year. Summer had just started.

"What do you mean?!! That doesn't make any sense... why? Why would you?!" I scream hitting his chest as I start bursting out in tears.

"Hannah... there is nothing I can do, my dad got promoted, we have to move. Trust me this is not what I want, at all. I begged my parents all night to stay."

"Jakob. I really... I don't know wht to do with myself right now."

He holds me in his warm embrace for a long time. I can feel his tears drip onto my head. His shirt is completely soaked in my tears.

Some people call me dramatic. Try losing the one person who understood you, who laughed with you, smiled with you, loved you.

Never again will I fall in love.

Just like that, the love I thought I would have forever, the love that kept me going, the love that I can't let go of.

This love? It went away, just like any other thing.

In one moment, one sentence, one heartbreak, my smiles, my laughter, my joy, all vanished.

My friends say they notice that I am different since he left. I dont think I changed. I think a part of me is missing.

"Do you have to go?" I ask with pleading eyes as my tears explode from my face as they have been doing all month.

"I will come back for you. I promise." He says as he kisses my forehead.

"Jakob. I love you. More than you will ever know."

"I know. I love you more."

"Please... come back. I will wait as long as it takes. I am not going anywhere until you come back."

"Dont worry my Hannah. I love you, I cant just let you go." He winks at me as he heads into the airport security area.

Although everyone else lied to me, saying we would be together forever, saying that I am the luckiest girl alive, saying that we will be together until the end, Jakob has never lied to me.

He never once lied to me.

Those 6 letters keep me hoping and wishing and dreaming and loving. Even if we arent together, I remember those words more crisp and clear than any other thing any one has told me.

"I will come back for you."

We Were Together (A Hannah & Jake Story)Where stories live. Discover now