Chapter 2 || off we go (revised)

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" Wake up , wake up! " Akiteru yells as he bursts into the room, walking over to his little brother's bed and yanking off his comforter. " Time to get up! "

" I get it! " Tsukki groans. He slowly opens his eyes, his brother's tall and blurry figure coming into view. He looks over to the window, sees that the sun is barley coming up over the horizon. He scowls. It's way too early for this. " I don't need a human alarm clock, y'know."

Akiteru laughs, stepping back to let his younger brother get up from his bed. He watches as his brother lazily look for his glasses, and chuckling when he finds it and shooting him a glare. " The train is leaving in an hour. I figured you needed at least a little bit of time to say goodbye to us." The older says sheeply.

Tsukki stares, then blinks. Then he gives a defeated sigh. " Why is everyone acting like I'm moving out of the country?"

Akiteru shakes his head and laughs, patting his brother on the back and encouraging him to go to the bathroom. " Until the end, you always have something smart to say." He chuckles. " But go and get ready, mom's waiting for you in the kitchen."

Tsukki nods and waves him off, slipping into the restroom and facing his reflection in the mirror. He leans on the sink and just stares.

I guess I really am all grown up now.

He sighs. He opens up his cabinet and pulls out his headband, slipping it above his head and pushing his hair out of face. He proceeds to do his usual routine; brushing his teeth, washing his face, combing out his hair and voila, he's all done. He steps out of the bathroom and sees that his older brother has cleaned up his room, luggage that he pre-prepared the night before no where in sight. He figures it's downstairs already. He shrugs. Less for work for him.

He hums and looks around, double checking for anything he might've forgotten to pack. When he's finished, he steps back and takes one good look at his room. He won't be back here for a while.

On the way downstairs, he smells the scent of his mom's cooking. He takes in a deep breath and concludes, yup, that's definitely her miso soup. He reaches the bottom and sees Akiteru leaning against the wall connecting the dinner room and the living room, phone in hand and scrolling down it mindlessly. When he realizes his brother is there, he smiles and pockets the device away, gesturing for him to come to the kitchen.

" Moms woke up real early to cook for you, Kei. " Akiteru says, slinging an arm around his brother's shoulder. Tsukki stays quiet until they reach the kitchen. He sees his mom preparing the table, her dirty pink apron wrapped loosely around her waist. Her gloved hands holding a steaming bowl of miso soup, and Tsukki swears he can taste it already. Nobody beats his mom's miso soup. No one.

" Morning, mom."

" Kei ! You're up already!" She exclaims, settling the bowl down and slipping off her mittens. " Do you have to go already?"

Tsukki shook his head. " No, we have plenty of time. "

His mom visibly relaxes. " Good, good. I wanted to make you breakfast before you leave. " She says as she glances over at the table she has just prepared. Then, her expression starts to soften, her small smile drooping from her pale face as she continues to stare at the food. From here, Tsukki can already feel her sadness. Akiteru bumps his shoulder with his brother's, jerking his head towards their mother. Tsukki sighs and walks over, slightly bending down and wrapping his arms around his mother in an embrace.

" I'll be back before you know it, y'know?" He whispers. His mother returns the hug as her shoulders starts to shake, and Tsukki settles his chin on her head as he lets her cry it out. She's always been the emotional one in the family. After a few moments, she pushes herself off of her son and wipes away at her tears, nose red and eyes all puffy. Tsukki chuckles softly, grabbing a piece of Kleenex off the table and offering it to her. She laughs and shakes her head at the floor.

" I'm sorry, Kei, you know I'm such a crybaby when it comes to things like this." She mumbles.

" We know. " Akiteru pipes in, chuckling. He walks over to the two and slings both of arms around them, pulling them in close and nuzzling both of their foreheads. Their mom laughs and smacks her oldest lightly.

" We still have to eat, c'mon, c'mon!"


" You better behave, Kei. And don't forget to call us atleast twice a week, and you better not be bullying the other kids there, and you better not be skipping lunch, and oh! – "

" I get it, I get it. " Tsukki interrupts, chuckling lowly. His brother has always been too talkative. " But I won't be able to call for the first month or so since my phone's acting funny. I'm planning on getting a new one when I get there so, just expect letters from me."

Akiteru frowned. " Why didn't you tell us earlier? We could've gotten that as your get-away gift instead. "

" The camera you got me is just fine, " Tsukki lifts up the device, protected and covered yu in it's case. " I've always wanted one, anyways."

Akiteru sighs and nods, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder and dropping his head. Tsukki was taken back at the sudden gesture. After a few seconds his brother lifts his head, eyes glassy with a small smile. " I still can't wrap my head around this."

" How? I'm almost a head taller than you, y'know? "

Akiteru laughs and hits his brother playfully, but his laugh sounds strangely sad.

" Doesn't matter how tall you are, Kei," He says, now placing both of his hands on the younger shoulders. He brings Tsukki forward until their forehead is touching, and the younger was tempted to pull back in embarrassment until he takes notice of his brother's solemn look. " You'll always be my little brother."

Suddenly a gust of air passes by the two and the empty tracks behind them fill with the carts of the train. Akiteru drops his hand but not before giving his little brother a pat on his neck. Tsukki catches the single tear rolling down his big brother's cheek before the older swipes at it quickly, once again trying to hide his sadness under a laugh. " You have to go, Kei. You take care, okay? And don't forget those letters. I'll be checking the mail everyday."

" You have way too much time on your hands." Tsukki comments as he makes way to the entrance, listening to his brother's faint laugh in the choir of the crowd. Before he steps into the car, he turns around and looks at his brother's face. He's smiling still, hands in his pocket as he watches his little brother depart.

Tsukki was never good at these type of stuff, but he figures, his big brother at least deserves this.

" Take care, Nissan."

His brother's face immediately lights up and Tsukki wants to smirk at how easily it is to cheer up his brother. Sure, he never calls Akiteru ' big brother ' in terms of honorifics, but he never understood why it was such a big deal. He shakes it off. As long as it made him happy.

" Love you, Kei ! " His brother yells right before Tsukki steps into the car. The people around them stare at the older, causing the younger to duck in embarrassment. He throws Akiteru a face before the doors close, and he watches him laugh through the window. Tsukki huffs and rolls his eyes. Atleast that's over with now.

He slumps against a seat and glances around him. He was lucky enough to get into a car that was nearly empty, save for a couple and a few other people. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he had to be in an ocean of bodies for the next few hours. He pockets out his phone and his earbuds, wasting no time in plugging up his ears and closing his eyes. His phone starts to play a random song for his playlist, one that he recognizes is a foreign song from the band The Neighbourhood. He falls into the melody and lyrics, and before he knows it, he's falling into a deep slumber.

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