Chapter 10 || (a)void

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The morning came by too fast. Unwelcomed sunshines greeted Tsukki, forcing the blonde to wake up and face the reality of what had happened last night. Tsukki's eyes went wide when he realizes, I still remember .

That's right. He remembers. Besides the annoying pounding in his brain, that thing that happened with the bastard was still stuck in his head . Just thinking about it made shivers crawl on his spine. So he groans, palming at his face and decides, maybe a cool shower could level my head.

" Four eyes, go back to bed. "

Tsuki stiffens, pans his attention towards the twin size bed across from his own. He forgets how to breath for a minute. Ofcourse. how could I have forgotten the man that I just made out with is my roommate?

" Fuck you. " Was the first thing to escape his lips. Was it from embarrassment or from anger? Maybe a little bit of both.

Either way, Tsuki wants to believe he meant it, because the heavy weight he's been carrying since last night lifted just a little. Kuroo shifts in his sleep-dazed state, before he freezes and sits up, like he finally comprehended what Tsuki just said. the senior's eyes went comically wide, ears going red, and Tsuki watches him try to splutter out a response.

" Tsuki I— "

" I was drunk, dammit! " the blonde yells. was he trying to convince Kuroo or himself? maybe a little bit of both. " You—, it's like you took advantage of me! "

Kuroo's eyebrows scrunch, his head shifting and eyes squinting. " took advantage? blondie, I get that you hate me and all, but don't make me out to be a rapist or something . we were both drunk."

" You did it on purpose . " Tsuki seethes, feels the blood rising beneath his now warm-cheeks. " To humiliate me. "

Kuroo sucks on his teeth and snorts. "you're not special enough for me to do that, blondie. " He says, scratching the back of his head and yawning.

" You know, you're just overreacting. It happens all the time. Hell, I would've kissed the owl. That's how wasted I was."

" yeah, well, you didn't . " The younger deadpans. " Instead, you kissed me, and I don't know if you've realized but we're fucking roommates. " Tsuki hisses. he swings his legs off the bed and notices that he hasn't changed from last night. he can still smell the alcohol and regrets on his clothes.

" correction. we kissed each other. " Kuroo murmurs.

The younger musters the sharpest side-glare he has ever done and throws it at his roommate, who's already trying to get himself comfortable again in his bed. the fact that he's acting as if this won't affect the two of them is irritating the living hell out of him.

" Tsuki , our relationship, friendship or whatever is basically nonexistent. " Kuroo points out. he slides into his comforter and turns his back on Tsuki.    " judging from the way you've been acting, I'm sure it's going to stay that way. so you're tripping over nothing. "

Tsuki opens his mouth to retort, only to realize he has nothing to say because it's true. he closes it shut and rolls his eyes, deciding that this is the perfect time to end the conversation. he slips into the restroom and strips out of his clothes, can already hear Kuroo's loud snores from the main room. he scoffs. he doesn't even care.

he catches himself in the mirror, looks at the way his blonde locks are sticking out in every direction, his already dark eyebags, and lastly, his swollen, red lips.

he brings his fingers to touch at the sensitive skin, wincing at the thought that comes with it. the hot, yet soft pair of lips sliding in to fit perfectly with his, the low and deep growls that would vibrate into his mouth, and the strong hands that would grip his waist to steady him. Tsuki shivers. he nearly slaps himself for even thinking about it.

Trust Issues // KuroTsukiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang