Chapter 6 || glutes and flukes (revised)

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The alarm clock has just gone off, but Tsukki is already wide awake. He turns over from where's laying to turn off his phone, but instead he catches sight of a shirtless man face down onto a pillow, another pillow beneath it with his hands pushing the sides up towards his face. The blonde scoffs. That explains the bed-head. Everything about his new roommate is weird, even his sleeping position. How does he even breath?

With a small sigh, Tsukki reaches out for his glasses, elbows propped up on the soft mattress of his bed as his hand makes way for the bedside drawer. He wanted to forget about the embarrassing introductions him and his roommate had yesterday, but ofcourse, that's not possible. Instead, it's been playing like a broken record inside his brain. Determined to get the uneasy feeling building up in his chest, Tsukki heads to the restroom for a cool shower.

He looks back at his roommate, scowling at him for absolutely no reason. He's not sure why he's so irritated. The teasing is normal, if anything, he should be used by it. But it's just something about the man that gets Tsukki worked up just by looking at him. Hell, even his breathing irked him.

He shakes his head. Just stop thinking about it. He rushes into the restroom and gently closes the door behind him. He turns on the shower, letting the water warm itself up just a bit before he steps in. At times like these he's grateful for a dorm. Their water bill back at home would've been crazy. He sighs. But if it wasn't for his situation, he wouldn't have to feel the need for these constant stress-induced showers.

" I should've just stayed back at home. " He tells himself. " This place is unnecessarily huge, plus, I have a child for a roommate. " He slips off his shirt, then stares at himself in the mirror. He looks at the door's wooden surface through the reflection, and the memory of their first encounter comes rushing back into his head. He frowns. " I mean, I guess I was being a little rude. Am I overreacting? Or is he really that provocative? "

His roommate's irritating smirk pops up and he immediately scowls. " No, he was definitely being annoying on purpose. "

" God, four-eyes! " Kuroo yells from the main room, causing Tsukki to jump back from the mirror in surprise. There's a loud groan and rustles of bedsheet on the other side of the door, and the blonde stares at it with his eyebrows furrowed.

" Do you have a habit of talking to yourself in the shower or as you really just crazy? "

Tsukki glares at the door.

" You're loud! " The older yells.

" You're the one being loud here. " Tsukki mumbles, stepping into the shower.

" I can you hear you! "

As the blonde continued to shower quietly, Kuroo swung his long legs off his bed and scratched his naked chest. He yawned once more before tugging on the grey shirt he tucked underneath his pillow and quickly putting it on. He glanced at the digital alarm clock, the numbers '8:47' flashing green on the device. Kuroo made a face.

"Who wakes up this early on a free day? He really is a nerd." He snickers, going back underneath his pillow to grab his phone. He opens up the camera, his black, wild hair taking up most of its view. His bed hair is technically permanent, but he looks good with it so he doesn't really care. He picks off some stars in his eyes and a line of dried drool off his chin, then he pockets his phone and makes way to the restroom. He leans his head against the surface, ears pressed up to the door and listening to the water against the bathroom's tile. He sighs and pulls back.

" Hey, blondie. I need to brush my teeth. "

A moment of silence, and Kuroo frowns. " Okay, and? "

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