Ch.3 Mrs. Eronia

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I could feel the tension in the room and I swear everyone was holding their breath but I wasn't sure it was even worth it. I heard the handle of the door open and I closed my eyes and hugged Jynx for dear life.

"Good morning class."

I didn't recognize the voice and it sure as heck wasn't our teacher.I looked up in surprise to find a cheetah laying across the teacher's desk. Okay so I was totally expecting a tiger and an evil woman. Not exactly what I thought was going to happen. I looked at Primo and he looked at me.I think sometimes we can read each others mind and this was one of those times. We nodded heads toward each other and stood up apprehensively.

"Excuse me miss," my voice quivering, "who are you?"

"My name child is Mrs. Eronia. The real question is, who are you?"

"My name is Aleah."

My first thought was she is a Mrs! Who would want to marry her? Then again love is a strange thing.

"Please class take your seats."

"Where is our real teacher?" Primo asked.

"Why don't be silly child. I am your teacher."

"No where is our teacher?" Primo asked again.

"Children you all underestimate me."

The door shut and I just about jumped out of my chair. We all did. I felt an odd breeze fill the room. Then I realized she hadn't moved a muscle. When the rest of us flinched, Mrs. Eronia didn't move at all.

"You closed the door?" I asked.

"Clever girl." I could hear the sarcasm leaking from her voice.

I was afraid but there was no way in hell I was going to let this crazy lady know this.

"Where is our old teacher?" Primo asked.

"My dearest child forget about your silly old teacher and please lets get on with today's lesson." Mrs. Eronia replied.

"What is our lesson?" I asked.

"I am glad you asked. Today's lesson is getting rid of the weak, finding out who is strong, and learning about our powers."

"What does that even mean?" I asked.

"Don't cross me child. Just let me do my job!" She screamed at me.

I looked at that cheetah and knew that there was something so wrong about this. Then Mrs. Eronia began "teaching" as she calls it. I call it story time.

"Children a long time ago even before your dear John Pilgrim was another man.'

That is preposterous I thought.

"This man's name was Edgar. Edgar Williamsbe. Edgar had know of this place for quite some time but could not find it. He also knew of the curse something your dear John Pilgrim clearly didn't know about. Anyhow Edgar learned how to control the curse for his own personal gain. You see children Edgar Williamsbe was the most powerful sorcerer of all time."

"Your wrong!" One of the older kids shouted, "The greatest sorcerer to ever live was Merlin."

Mrs. Eronia stayed calm. Too calm. "I'm afraid your only too wrong my dear boy. Merlin was a fraud and a fake. Merlin never did anything claimed to be done by him."

"You are crazy. If your going to teach us get your facts straight." The boy said.

"Don't cross me boy."

"Or what? Are you going to tell me I can't talk."

I heard Mrs. Eronia mutter something under her breath but I couldn't make out what she said. The boy went to start talking again, but no sound came out. I knew it was her who had done it, but I didn't know how to fix it. Then the boy started choking. He put his hands up by his neck as if trying to pry off invisible hands...

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