Ch.9 A Shot in the Dark

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"Primo we have to go back!" I cried.

It hadn't even been five minutes since we got away from the sanctuary.

"Aleah, Papa is gone."

"But we can't just leave him there." I sobbed.

"Look at you, aren't you supposed to be the older one here?"

"Okay no need to get all snotty with me." I said.

"Okay that is more like it." He smiled soundly to himself.

It took about two more seconds,"okay I'm going back."

"Aleah you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want them to take you or worse."

"Primo it has been a long while since we have seen each other, and while you have grown up so you act more like a 15 year old than a 13 year old, I have done some growing up of my own. I can take care of myself."

"Well okay."

Primo has always been a curious boy and today was no exception. I am glad to see that not even three years enslaved in some creepy camp killed his curiosity. I walked back into the sanctuary and I could tell something was off. Primo was right behind me and bumped into me when I stopped abruptly.

"Hey watch it." He said.

"Watch it yourself." I replied.

We continued silently down the corridor. Everything was just too quiet, too dead.

"Where are we going."

"Shhhh... get down."

"What?" I could clearly see Primo was confused.

"Just get down."

Primo did as he was told and for a moment I felt guilty. I really shouldn't be ordering him around, I mean he just did com back from that. Unfortunately right in the middle of my thoughts, a big ghostly white figure cam bursting through the door next to us. It knocked Primo, who was on the ground, into the wall, but I stood firm.

Then it screamed and I realized it wasn't a Valkyrie that I was facing it was a Banshee. "Primo cover your ears."

He did, thankfully, and I did too. Then right before I thought I was going to pass out, I reached for the ghostly figure, and grabbed her by the neck. The screaming ceased at once but now we were choking each other. Primo looked on in horror, but I knew deep down he really wanted to know what was going on. Finally I let go, and recited the spell, to kill it.

It blew up seconds after I recited the spell, and not a moment too soon. I looked over at Primo who was extremely dazed.I also saw his hands were bleeding. There was more dust in the air from where the banshee had just burst through the door.

"Primo are you okay?"

'Yeah I think?" He replied.

"We have to get to Papa."

I ran down the hall and found Papa where we left him, on the floor of the living area. I felt horrible, "Papa!" I screamed.

I got on my knees and I could see the blood that had stained the floor. "Papa please wake up."

I felt for a pulse but I knew I was too late. I scooped him up into my arms,"Papa no. You can't leave me. We haven't finished training and I need you. Papa please."

"Aleah.... Aleah come on."

"No! I don't want to leave."

"Aleah come on." By now I could see the blood staining my sister's hands.

"Primo we can't just leave him like this, we have to.... I don't know but I can't leave Papa here all alone."


"Primo no!"

I was trying not to hurt Primo but I was hurting so much. I could feel the tears running down my face and onto mine, and Papa's clothes. I couldn't just leave and I knew it, but I don't know what to do. I Know Primo is anxious to get out of here but I can't leave. I just sat there and I cried and held Papa in my arms. 

"Aleah lets cremate him."

"How?" I asked through sobs.

"Leave his body here and we burn the place down."

I was horrified by his suggestion but knew it was for the best. "Fine." I said.

I rolled Papa on his back and went and got the blanket from his bed. I covered him up so you couldn't see the wound just his face. Primo said a few words but I wasn't focused on that I was crying through most of it. We grabbed our bags, and I looked at Jynx and saw the pain in her eyes. We walked outside where Primo started a small fire and put a stick in it. Primo took the burning stick,"I love you Papa."

He tossed the stick into the house. It set on fire very quickly and continued to burn. I turned to my 13 year old brother and I fell into his arms absolutely balling. I was whimpering and shaking, and I am supposed to be the responsible one who takes care of him.

"Aleah shhhh. Its okay."

Primo basically carried me all the way to the edge of the woods. "Aleah your eyes are all red and puffy." He gently brushed under my eyes.

For the first time I saw my brother as an equal and when I looked at him I realized he had been crying too. We hugged eachother for a long time, before night fell and we made camp. It was a silent night and I am so thankful to have my brother back.

I was tossing and turning when I heard a rustling in the woods. I sat up in a cold sweat and looked around. I didn't see Primo but I felt for him and I think I accidentally smacked him in the face. He woke up and I already had an arrow in my bow. I told Primo to be quiet so I could listen.

"Please don't shoot." Said a raspy voice.

"Come closer, slowly." I said.


"What is your name?" I asked.

"Henry please don't shoot."

He came closer and I saw that it was a boy perhaps my age."I will shoot you."

"All I need is to rest."

"Come on Leah let him stay with us." Primo said.

"Fine. But he needs to explain himself in the morning."

"Deal." He said, and he collapsed on the ground in exhaustion.

"I hope listening to you wasn't the dumbest thing ever." I said and went back to sleep.

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