Ch.6 Healing

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"Papa?" I whispered.

My throat was so dry I didn't even have a voice. It was dark and smelled like mold. I didn't see Papa and I couldn't hear anyone so I pulled the heavy blanket off of me and sat up. My vision got really blurry and I thought I was going to hurl. "Papa....

I couldn't stand I just collapsed on the floor next to the bed. I tried to turn over but excruciating pain took me over. I just layed there thinking that no one would ever help me and I would eventually die of hunger or something worse. Then I heard a door somewhere bang open.

"Aleah I'm back." I heard Papa's sweet voice.

"Papa... help..

I couldn't make enough noise for him to hear me with my voice so I pulled out one of the drawers from the little side table and let it hit the floor."Aleah? Are you okay?"

I of course wanted to say, of course I am not, but I couldn't. Papa came running down the stairs and found me laying face down on the floor. I looked at him and sort of smiled. "Papa what happened and where are we?"

"Aleah what were you thinking? You are far too weak to be standing up and walking yet."

"Papa I hate it wen you answer my questions with a question."

"Do you need water?"

"Yes please."

Papa ran back up the stairs and returned momentarily with one of mother's favorite hand blown glasses. "But Papa that's mother's."

Then I remembered,"mother!" I screeched.

"Drink this." Papa said.

I drank the water but wasn't happy about it. I remember mother laying dead on the ground and everyone's house being on fire. The village, Primo, the crazy lady, and everything just came back to me.

"Papa the mark on my leg what is it?" I asked rapidly.

"Aleah you need to rest." Papa answered.

"Papa that is not an answer and I want answers. Please." I begged.

"Not today." I could see the pain in his eyes but I couldn't do anything.

"Papa do we have anything to eat? How long have I been asleep?"

"Aleah you have been out cold for five days. Yes I will get you some food."

Papa went back up the stairs and I layed my head back in the firm pillow and I just had time to think. What am I going to do? What did Papa mean about the mark? Is Primo okay? What will we do without mother?

I don't know which hurts more, missing Primo, or knowing mother is dead. I guess they both hurt but I will get revenge on whoever did this. I know I will because I will never stop until they are caught. Mrs. Eronia or whoever she really is, is going to die slowly and painfully. So I can watch. In the middle of these dark thoughts Papa came back with a plate of fruit. 

Apples, oranges, bananas, and something I had never seen before. It looked like a prickly purple potato. "Papa what is this." I asked as he handed the plate to me.

"It will help you heal." Papa said.

"Does it have a name?" I asked.

"It is called Cadi."

"What does it do?"

"Aleah I already told you it will help you heal."

"Okay sorry." I said.

I happily ate my plate of fruit as Papa watched me through closed eyelids as he took a nap in the big arm chair in the corner. I picked up the strange potato-like fruit and bit into it. It was the strangest thing I have ever tasted. It is something like a cross between a grape and a cucumber. It is good but so weird.

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