Ch. 12 Wanderers

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I guess you could say I have gotten scared. I didn't really want to be caught all up in the middle of this but what choice do I have. I still haven't told Primo about Henry and I. Of course there is always the chance that Jynx told Chet and that was communicated back to Primo. I still don't even have a good reason for not telling him. I guess I just think he might get mad or sad or something.

Henry really wants me to tell him. I think he is just as afraid as I am but he wouldn't show it if he was. So now that we are travelling everyday I am getting more and more fatigued, and travelling everyday on foot is not helping. I think today I will tell Primo. Then again I have been saying that for the last three days.

He walked up behind me and put his hands over my eyes,"guess who."

"Henry. How can I help you?"

"Come one you could at least act like you don't know who it is."

"So it is either you, Primo, or your sir friend."

"It's Sir Davin."

"Well excuse me your lordship." I said jokingly. 

He laughed and grabbed me by the waste and hugged me.

"Hey." I giggled. I heard a crack and I thought uh oh I knew Primo was watching and he was running.

"Primo wait!"

I ran after him as fast as I could, but I couldn't see him. Then I got hit in the head with some piece of fruit. I figured it was Chet throwing fruit at me. "Chet! Get down here." I yelled.

I only yelled at him because I knew it would get Primo's attention, "You have no right to yell at him." Primo yelled.

"Primo.............. I'm sorry."

"That's all you have to say?"

"What else do you want from me!" I screamed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Primo because I knew you would be angry, just like you are."

Primo just shrugged and stormed away angrily.

"Primo wait! Why are you so angry?" 

"I coudn't tell you even if I wanted to."

"Your acting like he is the enemy."

"How do you know he isn't?"



"Yeah thats what I thought, you don't know! Aleah you don't know what I have been through to come all the way back to you and Papa. First I lost Papa and now I'm losing you too, to that prince. "

"Primo if I could change what happened to you, don't you think I would?"

"Maybe then you would have, but now I don't know."

"Where are you going?"

"As far away from you as I can get."

Tears started running down my cheeks, "Primo.......... please." I ran after him and grabbed him by the shoulder.

He turned to face me and grabbed me by both shoulders and rammed me into the nearest tree, "don't touch me."

I sat there at the base of the tree sobbing for what couldn't have been more than a few minutes before Henry walked up and saw me crying. He came over and gently picked me up. I buried my face into his shoulder sobbing and I put my arms around his neck.

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