Ch.14 Final Days

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My throat kills from me talking after losing my voice but I am just so glad to be living somewhat of a normal life. Well who am I kidding. There is nothing normal about living in a castle. There are servants waiting on me day and night. The meals here are enormous. The clothes are incredible even though I can't stand wearing dresses. So far I have completely refused to wear anything that comes above my knees except my night gowns.

I have been spending so much time with Henry, who is healing very nicley. With Henry being the prince he is also captain of the soldiers and with him being gone for so long he has had a lot of catching up to do. So this has made spending time with him a little difficult. I am just learning to enjoy the little things but tonight is our last night.

Then according to the queen I am to fight her strongest warriors as practice. I don't use a sword or a longstaff. I use knives, and in a tournament like this they don't allow us to use knives. So I am a little (totally) out of my comfort zone. Of course I think I can do this but I just don't know. Anything could happen.

I walked slowly back to my room looking at the large marble pillars in the hall I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled behind the pillar. There were three men standing there. One of them was Primo who was tied up on the ground, one of them was Henry and the other was one of the guards.

Henry was the one that grabbed my wrist.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We need to get you out of here." Henry said.

"Hmm... Hmmm...." Primo said

"Henry why is tied up?"

"We don't time to explain we have to go."

Henry and the guard led me back to my room where all of my clothes were packed except a ridiculous black, leather suit of 'armour' I guess, for me.

"Change into this." The guard said.

"Right now? Right here?" I asked in surprise.

'I'm sorry honey but yes. Right here right now. We will turn around."

I don't think I have ever been so happy to be in pants and boots. We ran down the hall with Primo slung over Henry's shoulder. We went left and then right and left again. I felt like we were just going in circles but I trust Henry so I would think he knows where he is going.

"Can someone tell me what is going on now?" I asked.

"SHhhh!..." The guard said, "They are here."

I was going to ask who but I figured I would just get shushed again. There was a bell that started to ring and all of the guards looked up and then more and more bells started to ring. The guard looked back at us and smiled a wry smile.

"This is our chance." He said.

All of ran diagonally to the right passed all the guards while they were jumping around and running to the left. I didn't ask any questions until we exited the actual castle. I stopped where I was and I said, "okay I want answers."

"Well then ask your questions your highness. My deepest apologies for dragging you out like this but it was necessary."

"Necessary? Henry what's going on?"

"Please forgive me."

"For wha....

As I was in mid sentence Henry brought his fist around and punched me right in the face. My eye and cheek were throbbing and I tried to open my eyes. All I saw were a few blurry shapes and shadows of the guard picking up Primo and Henry picking up me, and then I blacked out.

I woke up hanging upside down. My feet were tied to the ceiling with rope and Primo was hanging not two feet away. We were in some kind of shack. Everything but the ceiling was made of wood. There was a big metal door and a small bench. Primo was wide awake but he looked like he was going to be sick. I went to talk but the minute I opened my mouth I felt a big bruise on the side of my face. Then I noticed my eye was swollen and I couldn't do anything about it.

I figured it was better to know who I had the pleasure of facing rather than hanging upside down any longer.

"Hello!?" I yelled.

"Go get your girl friend." I heard a nasty sneer come from outside the door. "And grab her brother while your at it, I think he has had enough."  

When Henry walked through the door everything came back to me. The hit to the face, the kidnapping, and he didn't even flinch.

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