Ch. 11 A Champion

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It was early in the morning and I was determined to continue my training. Ever since that awkward escape Primo and I made to get away from Henry things haven't been the same. Henry is still with us, and in case your wondering yes I am bitter about it. He knew we were out there, he knew, whoever he is working for knew, and he just used us. I can hardly stand to think about it sometimes but then I go out in the woods, do a little target practice, and everything seems okay again.

I let Henry convince me into letting him take Primo and I to his "kingdom" is what he calls it. I have never known a kingdom or anything but other villages outside my own village, or at least where it used to be. Despite the fact that I now following Henry I don't 100% trust him. There is something so wrong with how the situation played out that I am just going to have to keep my eye on him. I still haven't told him about that night.

When I saw him with the group of men I didn't want to believe what I was seeing and hearing, but clearly there was no way around it. And now I feel like I have to tell him. I know I don't have to, in fact I am extremely torn on this matter. So I think since I have been thinking about this for so long I will make up my mind this morning after target practice.

I walked out into the woods like I usually do on Sunday's and I knelt down in position. I was holding the hilt just behind my ear and then I heard it. They were both watching me. I am pretty sure it was Henry who stepped on the stick. I just figured it would be way more fun to mess with them than call them out right away. I took aim again this time I was going to throw it backwards right above thier heads.

I took a deep breath, shut my eyes, and then finally threw the knife and I knew I scared the both of them when I heard a thud and they both fell out from behind the bushes.

"I sware I was trying to stop him." Primo said.

I just looked at the both of them and laughed, "well you should both get up with whatever dignity you have left and then I will show you for real."

"That wasn't real!?" Henry asked in exasperation.

"No I knew you were back there and that wasn't even a good throw. If you want to see something really impressive you should stand over there and watch." I pointed over to a bare patch of mud to my right.

They both moved over to where I had pointed and I was sure I had seen Primo elbow Henry in the ribs. "Ready?" I asked.

"Sure." They both said, then glared at each other.

This time I took a sitting position where the two of them had been moments ago. I decided since I had thrown the larger of my three knives at them that I would use the smallest of the three for this throw. I was aiming low, about 70 yards ahead between eight trees. Give or take a few yards. I was looking right at a leaf that was falling to the ground and I threw the knife. The small dagger sped through the air, gaining speed as it went and when I heard the thud I ran over to it.

It was a perfect shot. I had pinned the leaf that was falling to the ground, to the tree. Primo whistled and Henry just stood there with his mouth hanging open like an idiot.

"You should close your mouth or your going to swallow a bug." I pulled my knife out of the tree and walked away.

Primo followed me, "wow! I knew you trained with Papa but I never knew how much!" Primo said.

"I know and I didn't think you needed to know."

"Why would I not need to know?" He asked.

"Well its just more pressure when you expect perfection every time."

"Not everytime, just in life threatening situations."

"Primo.." I said slightly annoyed.

"Okay I'm sorry. If you just do your best I won't be disappointed."

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