Ch.10 Life or Death

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I added a few more sticks to the fire to keep it going. It is the ninth day since we found Henry, well really Henry found us, but I still am unsure about him. I feel bad because I woke everyone up last night. I was screaming for Papa, and oddly enough the first one awake was Henry.  I can't figure him out, and maybe because it has been me and Papa for so long that I forgot how to be social but I am working at it.

I think Primo is getting jealous of all the attention hat Henry gives me, and I. Well I think it is a bit strange seeing as I have only known him for 9 days.

"So Henry where did you come from?" I asked.

"I came from a place high up in the mountains." He replied.

"Primo isn't that like what happened to you?" I asked my brother.

"Yeah sort of, but I was taken to a camp following the mountains." Primo said bitterly.

"Sorry I know you don't like to talk about it." I said.

"Don't worry about it." Primo said.

"Well I am going out." I said.

"Out where?" Primo and Henry both said at the same time.

 "Somewhere." I replied.

They didn't really need to know. I mean I can handle myself. I have my knives in my pockets and I slung my bow and arrows over my shoulder.

Primo grabbed my arm,"Aleah please be careful."

"Well that's no fun." I said playfully, but I could tell he was being serious. "Okay I will."

I hugged my brother goodbye and then looked at Henry," I will see you later." I said.

He didn't say anything he just waved. I set out with my boots on and dressed in all black and set off. I didn't know exactly what I would find tonight but for the past few nights I stayed awake after Henry and Primo had gone to bed and I would go and scope out the woods surrounding us. About three days ago when everyone was asleep I walked through the trees and came up on a group of what I assumed were bandits, but I think they might be heading this way so that would mean we have to move camp. I usually wait until they are asleep but if they are as close as I think they are then we might need to move now.

I walked a ways and found the pond where we recently went swimming. I stopped to look at the reflection of the moon in the water. I wished I could stay there all night to admire the beauty of the moon; full moon, but even I know that isn't going to happen. My moon-watching was interrupted by ripples in the water. Then I heard thudding. I didn't see horses last time I was at the bandit camp, and I didn't hear them either. The thudding was getting louder so I slowly but carefully walked over to a small bundle of bushes and hid.

I could still hear the thudding but now it was inevitably horses. I began to hear nothing but the rhythmic sounds of beating horse hooves until a sound interrupted the rhythmic patter. An arrow thud into the trees a few yards to my left. I could already tell they weren't behind me, and I am sure they can't see me, so I came to the conclusion that they must be drunk.

My suspicions were confirmed when the trenchant smell of liquor came to me. They started hooping and hollering and I knew that we needed to move camp now! Well actually we probably should have moved a few days ago, but I didn't see this group unless being bandits they recently stole horses.

"Hahaha Bill I can't wait to see how that Bertha girl stands up to your father!"

They all started laughing hysterically. "No John that won't matter when your own grandpa be kicking you into dust because you married a prostitute."

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