Ch.4 Primo

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It's not like I don't know that people die but haven't really lost anyone particularly close to me before. The idea of losing Primo is making me sick. I mean sure sometimes we don't get along, but I couldn't with this kind of death on anyone. I remember day Primo was born. Primo was an extremely small baby; too small. Mother and Papa were both worried about him. I was very unhappy, initially, but after Chet was "born" or I mean after they split I took care of both of them. I would read them stories, and bathe him, and I even did his hair when we were younger. We have been best friends since then and I would hate to lose him.

Unfortunately Papa called Gypsy off before Mrs. E was on a one way elevator going down. They are keeping her in a holding cell somewhere within the village. I still think she should have died, but 2 lives in one day is too high. Well sure it is two people, but one of them is my sweet little brother, and the other is the person with all the answers.

Papa, my poor sweet Papa is heart-broken. Papa blames himself for not spending more time with us or well in this particular case, Primo. Either way he hasn't left Primo's bedside since we brought him home; since I brought him home. After I told Gypsy to kill the crazy lady I scooped up my brother in my arms. I picked up Chet and put him on Primo's chest, and I carried the blood soaked couple all the way back home.

Chet managed to open his eyes a few times now, but they are both so weak. I think the only way to fix this is to go and talk to the witch herself.

I ran down the stairs,"Papa?! Papa where are you?!"

"In here!" I heard the shout from the little living area next to the "kitchen"

"Papa I want to go talk to that woman."

"Why ever would you need to do that?"

"Because Papa I think she can help me save him."

He sat there an awful long time before looking at me with a real answer,"Okay princess but I am coming with you."

"Okay sure anything."

I went into a the other room to say goodbye to my brother. I walked in and started crying before I could even say anything. Anyway I went over to the bed and grabbed his now limp hand and cradled it in mine. " Your going to be okay baby doll. I know it. I am going to fix this I promise."

I only hope I really can keep my promise. Then through an act that seemed like it was from god Primo dazedly openned his eyes. 

"I know you will 'cause your my big sister." His breathing was coming in short ragged breaths.

"Primo don't die." I whispered.

Those were the last words I spoke to him before he passed out. I knew of course it wasn't god, that brave little monkey was helping out in all of this. I whispered a few words of thanks to Chet before completely leaving the room.

I heard Papa putting on his boots, so I ran as quickly as I could down to meet him.  

"Aren 't you taking your robe?" Papa asked.

"I don't want to. I would have to burn it if she ever touched it." I giggled.

Papa smiled a meek smile and led me to the door. I started running when I realized two things. First, I closed the door on Jynx and secondly I have no idea where I am going. So I ended up tuning back to open the door for Jynx, pick her up, and run again to cat h up with Papa.

I am glad I brought Jynx, we had a very interesting conversation.

"Do you think they will be okay?" Jynx echoed slightly inside my head.

"Have you met the of course they will be okay. They are strong."

"I know they are strong, but honestly Papa broke at that camp. Who know how long those two can fight off all conflicts with their wounds."

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