Chapter 6

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Darien stepped into his small condo and observed what previously occurred.

'Why did I kiss her hand? What was I thinking? She froze at my touch? Did I do something wrong? No, you dumb fool! The reason Serena didn't move was because she didn't want to be rude at your nice gesture. Ugh! That's it, I'm going to bed!'

Subsequently, Darien had been in bed for ten minutes when he heard a knock. He pulled the covers back, not caring that he was in his briefs to answer the door.

"Serena? Um? Please, tell me we're not playing musical doors?" Darien muttered in a sleepy chuckle.

"No, I'm not playing any games! We need to talk! Can we?" Serena inquired.

"Tonight?" Darien quizzed, drowsily.

"Yes, please!?" Serena pleaded.

"Alright. Come on in!" Darien replied, as he positioned himself to the side to let her in and fasten the door.

"What's on your mind?"

"Darien, I-Um-" Serena stuttered

"You what?" Darien beseeched.

Serena closed her mouth and looked up at Darien. His confused midnight blue eyes in wait.

'What am I supposed to tell him? Do I tell him after all these years that I have always liked him?! That when we had those arguments it actually brightened my day?! Or-do I just tell him, I was worried about Tammy? Maybe I should mention her.' Serena thought, as she tried to think of an excuse.

'What is the matter with her? She looks so worried and bothered by something. I wonder if-No! STOP thinking like that!' Darien contented, mentally.

"Serena? What's wrong?"

"Um? I-I-I-" Serena sputtered and quickly pressed. "How's Tammy? I forgot to ask earlier."

Darien smiled, he loved the fact that Serena cares for people, especially the ones she barely knew.

"Would you like something to drink?" Darien proffered.

"Sure. Not to sound weird, but do you have any chocolate milk? It helps me sleep." Serena mentioned.

"I think so." Darien responded, addled.

Minutes later, Darien and Serena were seated on his compact couch. After they drank their milk, Serena put her ceramic cup down on a coaster that was on the coffee table.

"Tammy's surgery went well." Darien announced, as he noticed she was finished with her beverage.

Darien mocked Serena's actions and put his cup on the mini stand, subsequent to hers. Thereby, he put forth.

"But that's not why you came over. Is it?"

Serena jerked up and stared at Darien. In doing so, he proceeded with.

"I mean we can discuss about Tammy tomorrow, since being neighbors-friends we do see one another around and about."

'Oh, no! He has caught on! What should I do? Serena think! You might as well tell him the truth! Just listen to your heart and tell him what it says, already! You owe him that much, since you did wake him up in the middle of night.' Serena noted.

"Darien we need to talk, before anything else goes further." Serena asserted, as she grabbed his hands.

'What is she doing? What is she planning on saying?' Darien ruminated.

"Yes, Serena?" Darien questioned in a shaky voice and his eyes wide.

Serena took in a breath and let it out, following that, she spoke.

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