Chapter 11

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Later on, Serena and Darien had arrived back at their separate apartment's door.

"Serena, I had a good time with you and your family!" Darien pronounced, followed by a sweet kiss.

"Me, too! Mom and Dad like you! Dad can be stubborn at times." Serena specified.

"I noticed. What's your plans for tomorrow?" Darien questioned.

"Not sure. Why?" Serena inquired.

"Just wondering. Well, goodnight!" Darien rejoined, as he placed a kiss on her lips.

"Nite!" Serena cited, confused.

They both closed their doors at the same time.

Darien looked down at the flashing from the machine, which indicated he had one missed call and a message. He selected the play button to hear it. It was an old friend that might be interested in his apartment.

'Yes! If this goes well, I can show Serena the house that's for sale.' Darien speculated.

Meanwhile, Serena yawned and analyzed.

'Hmm? What to do now? I think I will turn in early tonight. Today has been a long one!'

With that, Serena fell fast asleep.

The following morning, Serena had decided to head on out to get Darien something. After all, he did get her that beautiful ring. She wasn't sure what to get him. A watch? A shirt? Hopefully, the task wouldn't be boisterously.

At the store, Serena noticed a golden watch. It reminded her of Darien. So, she purchased the watch and gift wrapped it for him. From there on, she carried out the small, camouflaged box.

'He's gonna love it!' Serena mentated, in content.

Serena arrived back at the parking lot for the apartments. Serena walked up the steps and realized that she hadn't talked to Darien since last night.

"I just stop by for a few minutes, before he has to lay down. It was unfortunate that he has to work tonight," Serena mumbled.

The closer Serena got to Darien's apartment door that she overheard voices. A woman's voice and Darien's.

Serena heed giggles got louder as she approached closer. She wondered who this woman was and what was so damn funny?! Serena peeped through the open-cracked door. For what she saw, shocked her to tears.

'What the hell?' Serena exhorted and quickly wheeled around to run away.

Serena couldn't believe her eyes. She glimpsed down at her ring finger. It was just a few days ago, Darien had asked her to be his wife.

At first, Serena assumed that "SHE" was a sister.

'Nope. A sister wouldn't flirt or smooch a brother like that!' Serena reflected.

Serena let the tears flow down her cheeks, as she set getting far from this location. In her mind, she wanted to confront him, but dismissed that. For actions speak louder than words. It was a sad shame, because her mom really liked Darien and her dad was warming up to him.

"I know! I will take a short drive." Serena announced, audibly.

Next, she threw the nice, covered present on the floorboard of the car.

Serena grabbed her sleeve and wiped away the tears. She straightened herself and started the car, put in gear and took off. The speed of the car made Serena feel she could fly and forget her troubles. Then, she came across a stop sign and came to a complete stop. However, Serena only looked right-handed and took off. Before she knew it, a big dumb truck hit her. When Serena realized it, it was too late. The sound of a crash and blackness occurred.

"What's happening?" Serena moaned in pain.

Minutes passed, she heard the paramedics speak.

"Miss, please stay with us! Miss, what is your name?"

Serena tried to answer, but nothing came out. She comprehended that the tenderness made it difficult to do so. Instead of fighting, she let the darkness swallow her up.

"Please, Glenda Stop! I'm engaged, and a happy man!" Darien barked, as he took her hands off of him.

"Oh, come on! Give me some sugar! Being engaged doesn't mean shit anymore! What's it been, months?!" Glenda put forth.

"Yes, it does matter to me! I love Serena very much!" Darien averted, lividly.

"Serena it is?! Blah sounds like a hooker's name!" Glenda stated, distasteful.

"Well, she's not! She's a respectable woman! Look! I give you first dibs on this, before I advertise it. My love life is none of your concern!" Darien thundered, furiously.

"It could be!" Glenda disclosed.

"So, if you are interested in the studio, say so! If not, GET OUT!" Darien vexed.

"Hmm? I will keep in touch. The apartment is a tad interesting." The woman reposted and was gone.

"Whatever!" Darien conveyed, as he slammed the door shut.

Darien shook his head in disfavor at what he encountered, just a few minutes ago. He reached in his pocket to retrieve his cellphone and observed he had a message and it was from the hospital.

'What in the world?' Darien wondered.

At that instant, he called them back and got a hold of Katie. Darien almost hit the ground when he heard the news of what happened to Serena. He quickly hopped on his motorcycle and went to the hospital.

'Why wasn't she at home and why hasn't she texted or called him before heading out. What if-? Oh-please be alright!' Darien thought, worried.

Later, Darien had arrived at the medical building and had no clue on what to do. Finally, he reached the front desk and uttered.

"Hi, Nancy!"

"Hey, Darien! What's wrong?" Nancy beseeched, as she noticed his regular clothing and distraught facial expression.

"I need to see Serena Mills!" Darien responded in a calm voice, as he tried not to lose it.

'I really hope she's alright!' Darien agonized.

"Let's see." Nancy replied, as she typed into the computer.

"Okay, she's in ICU-Wait you can't go in! Darien?!" The receptionist instructed, as she watched him flee and ignored her warning.

"I'm gonna to talk to the Doctor, Nancy. Thanks!" Darien implied.

"You're welcome!" Nancy said and sighed. She would have done the same thing, if she was in his shoes.

No one, but in the medical field, could see her now, until things were settled with her. If Serena was able to pull through this, she could see visitors for only a limited time.

Hopefully, Katie will let Darien see her, since he was the only family member they called.

"Hey, Darien. I heard!" Katie affirmed, as she strolled towards him. "Congrats on the engagement and I apologize for what has happened."

"Thanks! Please Katie, let me see her?" Darien pleaded.

"I'm not supposed to, but since you can keep an eye on. All of a sudden, we got swamped. Because of this, it's a yes. But you do nothing to her, come and get a nurse on duty! That's an order! How Serena looks may affect you, just a warning!" Katie pointed out and marched away.

"Yes, I know. I understand. Thank you!" Darien relayed.

Serena was lying in bed with a monitor hooked up to her and eyes closed. She had a bruised eye. Matter of fact, her left side was bang up. She looked so peaceful, but at the same time in agony. Even though they had given her something for it. Darien sighted this from her chart on the computer. He slid the chair adjoining the bed and seated himself. Darien took a hold of Serena's hand, resting at her sides. He squeezed the one in his grasp, lightly.

"Serena, I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere! Please, come back to me. I love you, my beautiful Meatball Head!"

Additionally, he laid his face down onto the bed close to her hands.

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