Chapter 14

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Serena grasped hold of Darien's hand and placed them on her stomach and implied the following in an excited tone.

"You're gonna to be a daddy!"

"Really?! You sure?!" Darien inquired, puzzled.

"Not a hundred percent sure, but I checked the calendar. I've missed a month. And it's been a month since we- you know?!" Serena alleged, as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"Oh-OH!" Darien asserted, and quizzed. "Have you made an appointment?"

"Yep. Have one in two weeks." Serena replied.

Darien gave Serena a hug and smiled.

"I'm so happy, Serena! Our family is growing, and I couldn't be happier. But! We need to tell your parents and it has to be before the wedding."

"Yeah, I agree. Should be interesting. I was thinking...We may have to move the wedding date to a closer time."

"If you say so. First, let's see what your parents say." Darien suggested, nervously.

"Okay." Serena murmured and with that they kissed.

It had been weeks and Serena was at the doctors. She was indeed pregnant. Serena was tickled pink, and she knew that Darien would be too. Now, it was time to inform her parents.

'Oh, how I wish Darien's parents could be here, to enjoy this time with us. It's dispirited to know they are not.' Serena thought deeply.

Darien hardly spoke of them, and she didn't pressure him telling her all of what happened. All she knew was that it was a bad car wreck and he survived. Darien commented that they were good people and astounding parents. She could tell that Darien missed them. Serena hugged him and hoped this comforted him.

This weekend, her parents will know. Serena and Darien were extremely discomposed. Serena's parents wanted to see them, for it had been weeks and talking on the phone didn't cut it. They had told them about the house he bought and the complete story of the misunderstanding.

"So, that's why Serena was in a huff! See, Serena! Things turned out better when you let the talking occur!" Mrs. Mills vocalized.

"Yeah," Serena conveyed.

They had seated themselves in the living room. Each of them brought up topics that had happened in the past. Some were laughable with teary eyes, some not, and some were agreeable subjects. Serena had invited them to come up sometime and her parents confessed they would. The discussion of the wedding date was brought up. No one uttered a word, which puzzled the Mill's.

Serena glimpsed at Darien and doing so he nodded. The two were seated on the loveseat, while the coffee table was between the couch where the Mill's was at.

"Well, mom-there's something that we need to tell you and dad! This news involves you both!" Serena emphasized.

"WHAT IT IS?!" Her parents queried in unison and flabbergasted.

"Mom, Dad? How would you like to be grandparents?" Serena exhorted.

Mr. and Mrs. Mills had a befuddled expression upon their faces, as they let the information given soaked in. Meanwhile, Darien rubbed Serena's tummy gently.

"Oh, Serena! Really?" Mrs. Mills beseeched, happily.

"My baby girl is having a baby?!" Mr. Mills vocalized in shock.

"Yes, mom and dad." Serena answered.

"That's wonderful, sweetie! Sounds good to me!" Mrs. Mills said, cheerful, as she got up and hugged the couple.

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