Fairytale 5: Alluka x The Clown x Once Again

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Alluka, who was about to leave the house, froze on the spot as she saw the big black wolf was sitting right in front of the gate. She didn't dare to move even just an inch. The red eyes of the wolf was focusing only at her.

"Oh, my.. Mike surely likes you, Alluka dear.." Said Tsubone by walking to the wolf, "don't worry.. He's a good boy.." She smiled.

Alluka shook her head fast with dripping sweat of fear on her face. She's still in trauma about how he chased her just now. She hid behind Amane who's standing beside her.

"Grandma said don't worry, didn't she?" Said Amane without looking at her.

"Ye.. Yes, but.." Alluka stuttered.

"Alluka dear, come here.." Asked Tsubone, "actually, Mike is friendly.. He's just easily getting excited with a new guest because.. you see.. we rarely get a guest here.." She shrugged.

"That because of him.." Alluka pointed at Mike, "Milluki said that this forest is dangerous and there's a big scary wolf who likes to eat children.." She added.

"Oh, my.. Did he say so?" Tsubone chuckled, "well.. If it's true then Amane won't be here right?" She rubbed Mike's head, "I don't remember exactly when but he's already here with us.. He protects us and this forest.. Most people will think that he's dangerous, but the truth is.. He's more friendly than the other animals here.."

Alluka gulped then slowly stepping to the wolf which was waiting her in front of the gate. She strengthen her heart and trying to touch Mike's nose and as she touched it, Mike licked her face. With no second, Alluka could get along pretty well with him and together with Amane, he escorted Alluka back to the junction. They seperated one another and as Alluka stepped to the right path to follow the white rabbit Gotoh appeared in sudden before her, that jolted her.

"It's about the time.. Hurry.." He said.

"Eh? Time? Hurry? What for?" Alluka confused.

"It's about the time.." He's disappearing slowly, "please, hurry.."

Feeling annoyed by unclear message of him, Alluka continued walking back to the path. She's hugging the white magic lamp tight.

"What was it again?" She tried to remember, "leave the vessel and go with the inside? What's that about? Is it about this thing?" She stared at the magic lamp.

"Oh, hello again sweetie~"

A familiar disembodied voice greeted her. It's the clown's voice, she thought.

"I'm here.."

Alluka turned her sight to one of the tree behind her and found he's sitting under the tree with waving hand and creepy smile. Alluka prepared herself to run and as he stood up, she ran as fast as she could.

The clown laughed out loud, "it's interesting.."

In all sudden, there were some cards appeared and floating in front of her that made her stopped instantly.

"Let's play a game, jou-chan.." Said the clown; only his voice.

"No! I don't want!!" She shouted.

"If you don't do it, those dwarfs will die in my hands.." He threatened.

"Don't disturb them!! I will join but leave them alone!!" She shouted, "what should I do?"

"Ok, I promise.. Choose two cards which have the same picture.. If you win, you can pass, but if you lose.. You fall.." He explained, "only one move.."

Alluka's face was pale and her hands were cold as she saw all the cards were plain white. She gulped as she touched one of them and it flipped automatically. There's a red heart picture on it. Then, she slowly moved her finger to the other one and as it flipped, the picture was a blue spade.

"Boo..." Said the clown.

The ground under her feet was suddenly disappeared and she fell at once. Luckily, she landed on a mountain of dust and dry leaves. She coughing and wagging her hands before her face.

"Ah~ it's so dirty.." She whined by rubbing the magic lamp.

A smoke with sparkling lights came out from the magic lamp's mouth. Her eyes widen as she saw something slowly appearing from the smoke.

(HunterxHunter) My Fairytale ~ Alluka In WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now