Fairytale 11: Alluka x The Trial x The Gate of Victory

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It's only Alluka and Zeno were spotlighted there while the whole room was pitch black. Alluka glanced at her dress which suddenly changed into a prisoner clothes with black and white colors. She's standing on a narrow platform surrounded by a medium tall wooden rails. She turned her sight left and right and found no one but Zeno up there, sitting on the throne. Soon, Silva appeared beside him under the other spotlight.

"I will repeat the first question.. What brings you here, Alluka?" Asked Silva strictly started the conversation.

Alluka gulped, "I want to save Nanika.."

Zeno closed his eyes briefly, "no.. not that.." He shook his head slowly, "once again I ask you, what brings you here, Alluka dear?"

Alluka looked at Zeno in puzzled, "I.." She sighed lightly, "I want Nanika back.."

Zeno nodded, "if you insist.. Then.. who's Nanika?"

"She's the one who helped me to escape from the dance party.."

"What's wrong with the dance party?"

"The ouji was after me, so I escaped.."

Zeno leaned his back, "who's the ouji?"

"Illumi.." Said Alluka with a sweat dropped on her forehead.

Zeno stared at her, "so, all you want is only Nanika, right? Is there any other person besides her?"

Alluka flinched. She furrowed her eyebrows and trying hard to remember who else, but she felt like something's missing. Her memory was messy due to recent incidents which appeared before her in a row. Someone was missing, she thought but who?

"Why do you look so lonely, ojou-chan?"

Alluka eyes widen then she threw an unsure stare at Zeno. She snapped out as she's sure that she had heard that voice before. It's the same voice and the same tone when she opened her eyes for the first time in this world back then. The warm deep voice which greeted her with no one was there. There's a glint on her eyes and it flew down on her pink cheeks. Her thought dragged her back and, like a flash back, it reminded her about all things she had been through from the start until this time. On the last scene, a shadow figure with spiky silver hair appeared and outstretching his hand toward her. Her lips were murmuring something with no voice came out. Zeno was still staring gently at her and saw her shoulders were quivering.

"Why are you crying?" Asked Zeno calmly.

"Onii-chan..." Said Alluka in shaking tone.

"Who's that?"

"A very special person of mine.." Alluka sobbing, "do you know where he is?" She wiped her tears.

"I know.." Said Zeno shortly.

Alluka startled then looked at him at once, "then, please bring me to him.. I want to meet him.." She begged.

"Why do I have to let you meet him?" Zeno looked at her sharply.

"Because he's my onii-chan.." Alluka tried to answered in shaking tone.

"No.. That's not enough.. Once again, why do I have to let you meet him?" Zeno asked strictly.

Alluka couldn't give him a respond. She cried in silence with quivering shoulders and unstoppable tears flew on her blushing cheeks. She had no words to defend herself. No one was there on her side. In all sudden, a spotlight snapped right beside her.

"It because she's a good and honest kid.." Said Gotoh who appeared from nowhere by bowing at Zeno.

"It because she had helped and saved us when we're in trouble.." Said Milluki who was also suddenly appeared under the other spotlight.

(HunterxHunter) My Fairytale ~ Alluka In WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now