Chapter 12

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Moping around for weeks had been a day to day routine before I was forced to start on the pile of work that had been rotting beside my desk.

Outside twice as many guards covered the buildings, guns strapped on their thighs in an obnoxious fashion.

"These two sheets work together. It's at the Franklin Hotel, it's not too far away. Is that okay? All you have to do is knock out the lights long enough for some members their business." Chris explained.

I let out a sigh.

"And I'm doing this alone?"

He gave me a meek look.

Chelsea hadn't contacted me in a month. We had messaged and she told me how strict everything was there. They were still 'settling in'. My head began to throb so I lay down.

"Do you want some something to help you sleep?"

I shot up immediately.


If I thought sleep was at it's worst before, now it was ten times worse. I had no doubt my brother was still looking for me, along with my parents. The thought of them being killed seconds after finding me filled my dreams along with other macabre nightmares.

Chris stood up and left to go and find some while I got dressed in a simple gown that felt ugly on my equally as upsetting face.

The car was ready for me as I walked down the stairs.  I was more than surprised to find my car filled with people as I awkwardly got in. I thought the killers would be in a different car but apparently not.

A strangely innocent looking girl with long brown hair and a baby face smiled at me. I gave her a hesitant one back.

I knew she was dangerous, as harmless as she looked.

"Hello! I'm Lily." 

The people in the car stopped to look at her, almost judging her for lowering herself to talk to me.

"Hi." I responded quietly.

"What's your name?" She asked.

I opened my mouth to respond when someone cut me too it.

"Her name's Ally. She beat up Christina, remember?" 

Her big green eyes widened.

"That was you? That bitch deserved a good beating, I would've never thought it was you shit." 

Everyone in the car laughed at her comment and I felt even more out of place.

"I didn't mean it in that way, I just mean you look so-"

"Nerdy, I get it. I am a nerd." I said with a twist of confidence.

"You should be proud, I wish I had the brains to do something like that. But we've never seen anyone that irritated Harvey as much as you do so at least you have something to be proud of." 

I cracked a smile. 

There were only six of us but the car felt packed with people. My cheeks turned red when I realised they were all staring at me.

"I can not stand the guy. He used to be kind of cool and laid back but all the leader stuff has gotten to his head, how could he just leave us here while he's out chilling." One of the guys said.

"I kind of like him." Lily added.

"Then you'll be more pleased to know he's handing everyone left behind his dirty work so he has less to do. They're out there having a bomb while you're sacrificing your life and he couldn't care less." I had to add.

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