Chapter 3

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Jason's POV

"Go around back! Hurry up!" I whisper yelled to Johnson. He nodded and turned the corner quickly without looking back. I heard a gun shot from the opposite side of the wall I told Johnson to go around. Sucking in a breath I slid around the corner to find Ryan holding a gun to one of the now dead enemies. The Riders. I wanted every person in that gang dead. I always get what I want so you can only guess what we're doing today.

After what happened with Hailey, I needed to take my anger out on someone. I chose this sorry excuse for a gang. I was pissed. I ruined my first impression on her. She probably thinks I'm some crazy, stalking, serial killer. Which I am but you get the point.

Last night, after I left her I had the gang track down the leader of the Riders. When they found him I had them bring him in to me. Basically I spent my night torturing the man brutally.

He deserved it anyway. He didn't pay me my money after I gave him his order. "Nice shot Ry." I complimented my friend giving him a bro hug.

"Thanks bro. That was our last one." I nodded and we started walking back to the van. As I climbed into the passenger seat Alex and the rest of the gang hopped in. Alex is my older brother. After we got away from my dad Alex took on the roll of my father. Now I'm too old for him to boss around unless it's gang related.

"When we get back we have to start the plans so I can get my girl." I told everyone. I'm getting my Hailey tomorrow. I wish the day would come faster so I could have her in my arms already.

She isn't going to be very happy at first I'm sure, but she'll warm up to me and the gang after getting to know us.

Everyone replied with 'whatever' and 'cool'. I laid my head against the headrest as I took out my phone and began to track Hailey down. She's at some mall. I realized the van coming to a stop. Looking up to see we were home I climbed out of the van when it stopped and walked over to my car.

"Where you going McCann?" Alex asked me.

"To see my girl. I'll be back soon." With that I climbed in my all black Ferrari and started the engine. Driving smoothly down the road, I checked my gps tracker for the mall's location.

When I reached my destination, I parked my car and got out starting to walk towards the mall. Finding the store Hailey is in which is Urban Outfitters, I head inside. Immediately I spot her at the back of the store looking at some jeans. Pulling on my shades, I walked over to the men's section and watched her from there.

Slowly, I inched closer to her to where I was right across from where she was standing. I had my back to her as I pretended to look at some flannel shirts. I heard her answer her phone. Of course I listened to her conversation.

"Hey Matty Watty." She laughed lightly at her silly nickname for her friend. "Okay I won't call you that, maybe."

"I don't know are you here now." She paused. "What do you mean? How can you even see?" There was silence so I guess Matt was speaking.

"Your shitting me right now right?" She paused again. "Okay I'm not loud. I'm leaving now." I scrunched my eyebrows at this. "I see you now. No I'm not I'm fine."

I looked over my shoulder slightly to see what she was seeing. Matt was standing outside the store leaning against a railing looking at her. I tensed. He told her I'm behind her.

"How did you even know I was here?" I heard Hailey say as she approached Matt. He shrugged lightly looking over at me. "I didn't I came with Jass. Come on he's looking over here." Before I could retaliate, they walked off quickly.

I Want You(Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now