Chapter 3

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"ThankyousomuchIdontknowwhattosayIjust-" I babbled until Normani stopped me "girl we WOULD love to, but erin has a love interest, rose, and we want to see your chemistry with the actor we choose for her. At that point I was just happy to be consider d for a job so I said " okay sure I would love to meet her". "Good lets bring her in" Dinah said as she told her assistant to go get a girl named Sabrina. I stood there and waited until I realized..... Sabrina, that's a girls name! Wait I'm not gay or bi oh god what did I get myself into. I was about to tell them that I could do the role, until it happened, it was fate a beautiful blonde girl walks in, but not any girl, THE girl....

Your pov:

I gulped as the blonde beauty strutted into the room as if she was born to play this role. 'How does she do that, she just walks right into the room like she owns the place. She doesn't even look like she's a slight bit nervous.' I thought to myself, suddenly she glanced over at me as her eyes widened slightly. Then she did the things that blew me away the most, that smirk. God it was like she just transformed into the devil, the fire in her eyes when she stared at me was melting my soul. It was if two knives were piercing mine but it didn't hurt, it was a kiss from the devil. I looked down at my feet unable to take her laser eyes anymore as Dinah started to speak. "Alright so y/n you'll be reading for the part of Erin and Sabrina you'll obviously be reading for the part of rose, cause you have already got the part" Dinah nodded as she lectured us and sat down. Just then Camila and my eyes locked and she searched through my should as if she was trying to read my mind, and you know what, she did. "Hey you both are okay with same sex relationships right." We looked at each other and that girl was still smirking 'God she is gonna be the death of me' "yeah I'm totally fine with that" Sabrina stated eventually taking her eyes off of me to look at Camila. She gave her a huge smile that almost seemed fake. "Y/n what about you are you okay with that". I noticed that I was still looking at Sabrina, I looked away thankfully " Ehh what....Whatever I'm down for anything" 'Jesus Y/n were you trying to act cool because if you are it's not working, stop being stupid. Lauren chuckled a little bit "alright if you take a look at your scripts this scene is taken place when both of you are trapped by the government in on of their security locked rooms and you don't know what is going to happen" Lauren looked at the other girls and nodded " this moment is crucial in the plot because both of these characters are breaking down but in different ways and they get into their first fight" I think for second ' alright you can do this, you really need this job, it's just a scene, you got this'. Normani starts "alright whenever you ready". Me and Sabrina look at our scripts and move around a bit to get comfortable. 'She has the first line' I thought, fear was in my eyes but it tried not to show it best I could. Sabrina looked up at me with a blank expression as she got ready. 'I wonder what she's thinking about' as looked at her. She could tell I was scared. "You're so stupid!" She yelled running her hand through her hair "after all I did for you and you, you, you just betray me" she said as she flailed her arms and looked at me with the most hated looks I had ever gotten ever. 'Oh shit were doing this now' I looked down at my script "look I'm sorry but this is not my"- "HOW, how isn't this your fault we're trapped because of you and now the president is going to get those files" I looked down playing with my hands avoiding her piercing eyes ' oh shit what if she's like legit mad at me' I finally looked up tears welling in my eyes, "I know who you are" I start crying, ' this scene is too much like my life God I look like an idiot' "you're not working for the NSA, I know, I heard you with Lincoln, I KNOW YOURE A LIAR" I screamed. I knew that my emotions were getting the best of me but God I couldn't help with all the stuff I've gone through with my life. My sniffles and started to shake, I looked into her eyes and she had stopped acting for a second. She looked at me with concern and worry as if she wanted too know me. 'Nobody would want to know me' She then returned to acting as that devilish courage crept back into her eyes. She smirked as she sashayed over to me as if she owned me. I started to play off of her and get worried so I squeezed my eyes shut and started to have jagged breaths and then she touched me, it was like fire burning skin as she traced patterns down my arms. I knew she was acting but I am not sure I was anymore. She got close to my ear and whispered "I know you know and that's why now I've got the chance to kill you without witnesses" I started to pant reading my line, "no you wouldn't, you couldn't, you, you're not like that, I know you Rose you never" - Sabrina pulled out the prop gun they had given her. I started to cry again "Rose, put down the gun, you're not like this" I saw the devil in her eyes fade and replaced with fear. 'Jesus the amount of character she portrays is just stunning' I slowly walked forwards her as she started angry crying and cocked the gun. I flinched but still continued to walk towards her. I was inches away from her gun "Rose I love you" I read my line and she collapsed to the floor. I thought 'she is probably the best actor I have ever seen' as I got down on my knees to hug her. We didn't even stage this but it just seemed right, natural. And she didn't fake hug me, she embraced me fully burying her head in my chest. As much as I wanted to believe she meant it in real life I knew she could never like me as even a friend, nobody could. 'Ew Y/n why are you even thinking that you're not gay." My thoughts were interrupted by huge round of applause by the five girls now standing in front of us. Sabrina pulled away first 'of course she didn't mean it, it was all an act, that's what we are, actors' I looked over and Ally, Camila, and Dinah were crying. "That was so beautiful are you sure you guys didn't rehearse that" Ally joked wiping her tears away. The whole room laughed. "Well there's no questioning this casting call, Y/n your hired!" I smiled a huge grin 'thank the lord now I don't have to eat ramen every night' Suddenly all the girls hugged me except Sabrina she was just texting on her phone, 'did she not care' I caught her eye as she looked up and she rolled her eyes "alright whatever just call my manager when you're ready to film" she stated annoyed, she strutted out of the room again like she owned the place and slammed the door. I was shocked still looking at the door, 'how could she be that rude, she was just so nice in the scene it just.... What'. I looked at the girls Lauren finally said "girl, you got it good for her, as much as she's a good a trice she really rude so I would stop if I were you" the girls nodded, and then it hit me, I was spending these next few months with the devil.....

Author: hey guys I worked really hard on this chapter if you could vote comment and share that would be great cause I know there isn't a lot of these books out there with Sabrina so a lot of support would really help! Thx ily😋

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