Chapter 5

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As they all were about to stop the cameras Lauren said "actually Chris you will, fifth harmony has decided to go on national tour! And they are comin with us promote the movie!" Everyone started cheering and yelling but me and Sabrina just looked at each other in shock. She was the first one to smile, she had that same classic devil smirk she leaned in and kissed my nose, as she stood up cheering with all the other girls, but I just stood sitting, 'Sabrina just kissed my nose........' But that was not what I was surprised about, the girl that drove me crazy was going to be my roommate all summer.....

Y/N's Perspective:
'Why me, out of all the people why me' I said to myself as I was packing clothes for the tour. I picked out some really cute clothes if I do say so myself, but I could only afford them with the money I got from this role. 'Thank you fifth Harmony'. I started walking around my little apartment trying to gather stuff that I needed. On the coffee table I saw my favorite book Peter Pan sitting there neatly centered. 'Will I have any time to read? Yeah probably, hopefully...'. Just as I put it into the suitcase the phone rang. I went an picked it up "He-he-hello....." 'Jesus Why do you stutter you need to fix that', "HONEY WE OUR WAITING OUTSIDE!!! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE" Someone shouted from the phone, Dinah Jane. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I'd didn't mean to" I started stuttering and hurried as I tried to get all my stuff together. "Honey It's okay just come on out" another voice called from the background. "Camila can't you see that she's not talking to you, that's right go back to your banana okay?" Dinah said as I zipped up my suitcase. "Alright D I'm comin out now" I said as I hung up the phone. I walked out the door and locked it. I sighed 'am I really about to do this?' I took a moment to look it over, when I heard a huge honk from outside. 'Shit' I ran out of my apartment building and standing in front of me was the fifth harmony tour bus. It was huge! Dinah was standing outside "There you are chica my goodness you are so slow" I laughed a little, "Im sorry but you didn't exactly tell us that we were going on tour for this long". Dinah glared at me in a playful way "Alright Touché, now hop on that bus girl, we gotta get going" I opened the doors to the bus and carried my suitcase up the little flight of stairs. I looked around, I was in the kitchen/ slash living room area. It was spacious for a bus but it was still close enough to seem homey. There was a table, microwave, and a sofa. 'I love the pattern of the rug'. Norman's walks by "Thanks I picked it out myself". I got confused for a second on how she read my mind. She must of did it again because then she said "You spoke your thoughts out loud goofball" she laughed. I let my breathe out with relief knowing that she can't read minds. She chuckled again and then ruffled my hair "you were late so we already picked bunks sorry, they're down the hall" She pointed to the next room. I thanked her and made my way through the bus. Once I got the room I saw that all of the bunks were indeed picked out. I saw that the bunk in the middle on the furthest side of the room was the one left, which made me happy because if I was on the end of anything then I would feel too alone. I see Camilla as she looks up from her Book. "Y/N!" She screams as she jumps down from her bunk to hug me. "Mila...... Mila.... I can't breathe" I said as she Koala hugged me to death. "Oh sorry it's just this will be so much fun!" She let go and I caught a glimpse of Lauren Glaring at me as she was scrolling through her phone. "Lauren isn't it great that Y/Ns here!" Lauren looked up from her phone looked me up and down and rolled her eyes as she went back to her phone. I was pained that she felt that way about me, given that she was so nice before. Camila must have noticed my hurt because she squeezed my hand and said "I'm sorry she can sometimes be like that". I gave her a sympathetic smile as I made my way to my bunk. I un packed everything and made my mattress. Just as I was finishing she walked in. The blonde beauty herself, it was only five minutes into the trip and I already have even more feelings for her. Just when she walks in the room it makes me hold my breathe as if I'm waiting for something. She looked around the room till her eyes caught mine, my heart melted, She frowned. She stomped over to me "NONONNOOONNNNONO, I'm sleeping in the bunk across from you and that can't happen". Camila looked over at her, "Why not?" She said with a confused face. Sabrina looked back at me "because..... Because then I have to look at her stupid face the whole night when we go to bed." I gazed at her, 'ouch' I looked at her and in her eyes I swear I could see guilt in all the mist, but that didn't matter, she already said what she said. I looked over at Camila whose face was in shock, even Lauren looked up from her phone to look at Sabrina. I looked back at her, 'did she really mean that, what's wrong with me? Am I ugly? Am I too stupid for her? Why can't I just be enough for her?' I looked her as Camila started yelling "ARE YOU SERIOUS NOT EVEN FIVE MINUTES INTO-" I cut her off "Camila" I look down at the ground thinking and then looked directly into the the two pools that were gazing at me with hatred and entrancement at the same time. 'She doesn't like me' "I'm sorry that I'm not enough for you, it wasn't my choice to pick this bed, if you like I can switch, I'm sorry that your upset, I didn't mean to upset you, I hate that I did that, I can just be so stupid at sometimes I........" I looked around embarrassed that I was so stupid "I'll ask to switch with Dinah" I said with tears almost in my eyes. The look from Sabrina changed from anger to sorrow her eyes widened with sadness and realization. She tried to walk toward me "Im sorry I didn't-" I stopped her "No it's my fault I shouldn't have just taken the bed without asking permission." I backed away from her reach and stood next to Camila. I looked at Camila who was clearly furious but trying to cover it with a deadpan face. I quickly jogged out of the room as I heard Camila calling my name "Y/N wai-" which was muffled by me closing the door to the bunks. I slid down the side of the door till I hugged my knees. I then heard the muffled screams of Camila yelling at Sabrina. This made me angry, 'Sabrina was getting in trouble when she didn't do anything wrong, she could never do anything wrong, she is perfect' I put my head on my knees, 'great now I will just be a burden to her' I spoke in realization, "I'm going to be a burden to her for the next few months"

Author note:
Hey guys It really helps if you vote and ESPECIALLY if you comment, it motivates me to write more. I worked hard on this chapter so if your support could really help me. Thx love ya :)

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