Just another sabrina story

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Hey guys just a cool story I wrote just wanted to put it out there enjoy!

    Their last hope for love, this is the story of Earth's last hope for love. The human species was dying, not the physical human beings themselves, but their emotions. As time passed on through the years, more and more people became hateful. Whether it was through politics, bullying, greed, or divorce, all of the love in the world was dying. And that was why I was sent to this place, because people need scientific proof to show that love still exists in the world. So there I was a stranger from off the streets of New York, transported to a science facility in Florida to prove to the world that love still exists. You might ask why I would sell my body to science? But the truth is that I had heard about love before From my grandparents and I really wanted to see if I could find it. I also had nothing better to do and they offered a whole lot of cash, so really I couldn't refuse. They put me in this capsule thing and then they put me to sleep and that is the last thing I remember from the lab. But the rest of my story is a bit crazy, and it is the story of how I met the love of my life.

I remember the first time I met them was very unusual, but I wouldn't trade it for anything though because that moment defined who I was going to be with for the rest of my life. The first time I saw them was when we were both put in this science experiment that I've been telling you about. They put me and her in this artificial environment made with rolling hills covered with forests and rivers gaping down through valleys. It was huge and the weather was nice and warm; it was almost like a happy paradise. There was a nice breeze and I was walking along this trail looking for water because they didn't give me anything except for a knife and clothes. I think it was because they wanted us to be primitive so we could find love like they did back in the early times or something like that, I don't know. But anyways, I was walking along this path and all of a sudden my chest starts ticking again out of nowhere. It was crazy because with every step I took it kept ticking faster and faster. It was almost like a metronome trying to keep the pace of an orchestra. I was paying too much attention to my heart that I forgot about where I was going and tripped over a huge redwood root making me collapse onto the muddy earth that was beneath me. And to add on to the situation, my knife falls out of my sheath and slashes my leg, ripping my cheap camouflage cargo pants from hip to knee. I screamed at the immense pain coming from my thigh as I tried to help the skin together, the blood flowing like Niagara. At that point I was ready to go home, and at that point I was wondering if all the money was really worth it? I panted a lot and looked around at my surroundings, as the battered sun beat down on my face and into my eyes. I blocked it out with my shaking arm covered in mud and sweat as I scanned everything near me. I was looking for something that could be used basically as a prehistoric band-aid. Mud I knew wouldn't stick, moss was definitely too far away to get, bushes were sort of useful I guess and there were lots and lots of bushes. I dragged my limp leg with me as I crawled as a soldier would when retreating from his own bomb. I struggled to sit up as well as cover the gash in my leg at the same time. I pulled a long narrow leaf about three fourths my height out of the nearest palm bush and wrapped it around my leg. As I knotted and tightened the itchy leaf around my wound, the bleeding had almost stopped. I lied on the ground to catch my breath. As I thought resting would slow my heartbeat down, it actually did the opposite. The tempo kept increasing and increasing the menacing clicking penetrated my ear, like the clicking of a pen every two beats per second; I hated it. I sat up not knowing what to do about my heart, as it was going so fast I felt that it would explode. I slowly got to my feet and brushed off the mud on my face as I didn't care about my outward appearance that scientists who were watching me might make judgments on. I walked over to my knife and picked it up studying the red splotches covering it. All of a sudden I froze, my heart had stopped ticking. I knew that something was going to happen, so I jumped towards the nearest rock best I could to get cover from what was about to happen. There was something behind me. Scared knowing that this might be the end of my life, I plotted out my next move of defense in my head. Taking a chance of instinct, I threw my dagger backward and rolled to the ground in defense. I fell on my wounded leg and winced as I rolled to the ground making the feeble and itchy leaf immediately unravel; I screamed in pain. As I Squinted through the pain, I looked back to see a short girl with dirty blonde hair cascading down her back just past her shoulders. She had mud on her face and she was dressed in the exact same way I was, in a dark grey T-shirt, moss green cargo pants, and black combat mountain boots. I stared at her for a while, studying her features, like the way she would comb back her hair with her fingers when she was frustrated. My heart was still not beating. She had jumped out of the way of my knife and had kicked off a trunk of the tree which threw her till she was about three feet away from me. I gulped because I was in such a state of fear and confusion that I didn't know what to do defend myself or say something to her. Her eyes pierced mine they were about as sharp as the knife that I had thrown at her. She quickly walked towards me and knelt down to my height.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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