Chapter 13

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Previously: The next fan came up to the microphone and asked the next question "Uh Hi, I'm a huge fan of you Sabrina and Uh I was wondering... What's your relationship status?". I froze and took a deep breath, 'here we go' I took the microphone "Actually I have a little announcement to make about that" all the girls looked over to me with surprised looks, especially Y/N who looked me straight in the eyes. I could not look away from her beautiful eyes so I just said it looking straight to her "I'm actually now dating Peyton Meyers now! Peyton come on up!" The fans screamed as he walked on stage. I looked back to Y/N she was dust.... broken, she looked like she was about to cry, angry and hurt. It killed me Someone had literally shot me with a gun, I would rather the gun then the look on her face. Peyton grabbed my face harshly to look at me and kissed me. But all my mind was thinking about was the broken girl in the chair sitting across from me. If only she could know that I was acting...

Y/N's perspective: 'It all hit me at once, when I heard those words come out of her mouth I thought to myself she must be joking. But then I saw it her and Peyton kissing in front of the whole world to see. She didn't even tell me about this, she's just been leading me on the whole time. I'm nothing to her..... I... am nothing.... to her.' I got really upset but I couldn't leave because we were in the middle of a meet and greet. I dont want people to get suspicious of anything. I got out of my chair and Dinah looked at me with pity in her eyes, "Y/N I know this is-" I interrupted her "Don't...... IM just getting my water. I reached behind the chair and took a big sip as I saw all the fans screaming at peybrina being a thing. 'Don't be salty Y/n she didn't even like you in the first place so its your own fault for thinking that she could like me as a friend or even more than that."

Once Peyton left the stage Sabrina looked me dead in the eye, with a sorry look that only I could see, because of course only I would understand her weird Sabrina ways. Those blue eyes looking for any slip of kindness in my heart. I gave her a look back that gave me chills. I was so mad at not her but me for being so stupid it felt as if I could part the Red Sea or some powerful shit like that. Finally Lauren broke the ice and said that the show part was over and that it was time for the actual meet and greet. All the fans cheered, Sabrina stood up. "Wait what about me and Y/n's scene from the movie we forgot to do it. She looked at me hoping I would back her up but Camila stepped in. "Lets keep it that way" she said as she glared back at her and walked backstage. I also walked backstage but not because we had to, but because I felt sick.

I ran backstage and Sabrina screamed me name as I left, I ignored her though, I couldn't even look at her right now. I ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. I threw up all the memories the hope I had for me and Sabrina, all the fun we had and especially that time she kissed me in the Waffle House bathroom. That memory was the first thing to go. Somebody barged into the bathroom and started to hold my hair back. They rubbed circle around my back and shushed me, telling me that it was okay. Once I was stable I looked up to see who it was and it was no other than the blonde beauty herself. I quickly got up and went to the other side of the bathroom to the door "Get away from me" I was about to leave when she called me "Wait". I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. I got so angry with her I strode to her ranting "WHAT! What sabrina what could you possibly want now, for me to jump off a bridge, cause it wont feel any different then it does now-!".

Her eyes widened "STOP! Don't you ever say that to me ever again is that clear, I never want you to say those words out of your mouth again, I just cant take it" she started crying and walking towards me, I backed away. "Why.... why do you pretend to care so much about me when you treat me like shit" She wiped her tears and looked at me "What are you talking about Y/n I love yo-" I could even take it "DONT... say that to me I am not your girlfriend, you do not love me! You do not care!" tears started streaming down my face as silence peculated through the room. She looks at me trying to figure out what I was trying to say and then she got it.

She read me like a book, no one has ever done that and it feels.... wrong. She looked up at me and walked closer to me, but this time I let her, because she knew everything. We stopped inches away from me our bodies almost touching. She reached up and cupped my face. "You like me." More tears started streaming down my face. She looked me in the eyes, piercing my soul "you like me and I-" I finished her sentence while backing away "dont like you that way" I turned to walk out the door she stormed up to me "No that's not what I said!" I looked back at her and said "You didn't have to, you already showed me.... you have Peyton now" and without looking back I walked out the door.

Author's note: Hey guys I know its been a while but Ive been at theater camp for the past three weeks doing shows and stuff like that so I'm sorry. Hey If you liked this chapter please go leave a comment telling me, it gives motivation to write more often.

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