Chapter 7

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"No it's my fault I shouldn't have just taken the bed without asking permission." She backed away from her reach and stood next to Camila. I have never felt so alone and abandoned in my life. What had I done, here I am being a bitch to This Angel of a girl and I don't have to guts to tell her I'm sorry. 'Im such a jerk' I looked at Camila who was clearly furious but trying to cover it with a deadpan face. I watched as Y/n, the girl of my dreams quickly jog out of the room as Camila called her name "Y/N wai-" which she quickly ignored as she walked out the door with my heart right beside her.

Sabrina's Pov:
She slammed the door and the room went silent. All you could hear was the sound of the moving car speeding down the freeway. I didn't want to look because I knew if I did I would feel the full wrath of that crazy girl. So I just stood there staring at the wall imagining what that angelic devil could be doing right now. She could be crying or listening to a sad song or just taking a walk. 'Wait what if she's not doing any of those things' I looked and turned to the side. 'What if she doesn't care about me at all, she's probably feeling happy right now, because who could care about me'.

I started to cry as I looked at Camila, her eyes grew soft as she saw me. I started to collapse because I just couldn't bare her not caring about me. Camila ran by my side and caught me. She gave me a huge hug and kissed the top of my head. I started crying into her chest as she picked me up and carried me to the back room. Normani got up from the couch "Hey is everything okay?". Camila gave her a worried look and said "I'll tell you later just give some space for now". Normani looked just as worried and nodded her head understandingly s she hurried out of the room. I stood up from the couch and started to freak out.

"Why are you being nice to me I'm a monster" I said between sniffs. 'Is it starting to get cold in here I'm freezing' I rubbed my arms together to create warmth, but then stopped because Camila started hugging me. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm here, It's okay, don't cry, I'm here". She brought me back down to the couch. "BUT IM A-" Camila stopped "Shhhhhh, no you're not or else I wouldn't be helping you right now" She rubbed me back as I started to calm down from the incident. As the room got silent again Camila spoke, "That wasn't you out there and I know it". I looked at her "nope that was me, I'm stupid and crazy". Again silence drew the room, I could tell on Camila's face that she was thinking. Then after a moment a look of realization struck her face , "People only clamp up like that when they are scared, so that means you're afraid of Y/N!". My eyes widen at the subject, "No that's ridiculous that's literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard." I got up from the couch and put my back towards Camila.

"But why would you be scared of Y/n she's the sweetest most thoughtful person I have ever..... Oh wait" I turned around and faced her. "Oh my god, You like Y/n!" I backed away from her as she stepped closer to me "No I don't you've got it all wrong, she's the devil with her stupid body, and stupid hair, and her stupid laugh, and just her whole stupid personality together". I sat down on the couch slouching with my elbows on my knees and head down. Camila sat down next to me, "You don't think she's stupid do you, you think she's beautiful, and do you know how I can tell, you're scared to even look at her because you know if you do you'll fall more in love with her".

I looked at her surprised that she had read my mind, she gave me a little smile and rubbed my back, "Now for the hard question, Why are you so afraid of love?" I gulped at the question running my hands through my hair, 'Oh god this won't be good' I finally looked her in eyes and said "My parents". and just like that I saw Camila clenching her fists, "go on" her said grinding her teeth and sighing. "My parents have never been home for me because they have been to focused with their jobs, they have missed all of my performances or anything for school, given the time I was their. Because once they figured out that I could become a child actor they took me away from school and my friends in the middle of the year and they criticize me on my performances and auditions every time they see me." I started lightly crying "that's all they want, fame, they don't care about me, One time they came home from three weeks of travel work and the first thing they said to me was, why did you trash that Hunger games audition, I thought you were better than this".

After I was done ranting I looked up at Camila who was breathing heavily and almost looked like she had red in her eyes. She looked up at me with an angry expression "That's not fair.... That's not right and NO ONE should have to go through that!" She stood up and stormed out of the room to get her phone. I Started to panic so I quickly ran after her and gave her a big hug as I was trying to stop her, although it wasn't doing much help since she was still dragging me. "Please Camila don't do anything It's in the past and I've moved on, it's okay these things happen". She broke off of me and turned around "No Sab it's not okay you can't let your parents do this to you, you're clearly not over it given the whole Y/N situation!" She started to walk off. 'Oh god I'm ruined' "Cam please don't do this" I said the weakest voice ever. She stopped then turned around and walked back to me. She cupped my face and said "Fine I won't do anything just please talk to me about these things, okay?" I gave her a big hug "okay" we hugged for a bit and then Camila said "and don't be afraid to like Y/N she's the sweetest girl ever" I stayed silent 'but maybe I'm not the sweetest girl that she deserves'

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm back from travels and I'm sorry it was so long also this book has been booming with popularity so thank you guys for the support, More comments and like will help motivate me to write and again so please do, alright guys thanks for 300 reads :)

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