Chapter 4

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I woke up to a strange buzzing near my eye. I opened my eyes and heard my alarm going off. Today was Valentines Day and I had some surprises up my sleeve. I really hoped that Alison will like it. She is a really special girl, I've never met a girl like her before. I started to get ready for the day, my phone started to vibrate. I looked at the Caller ID and smiled as soon as I saw who it was. It was Alison.


After I called Anthony, I decided to get ready for today. Anthony told me he had some surprises for me. I can't wait to see what he has plans. I love him so much. To be honest, he is the greatest guy I've ever met and I'm glad I fell in love with him. I finally finished getting ready, I did my makeup and everything. I opened my bedroom door to see Anthony standing their with a bouquet of roses. They were so beautiful, I kissed his cheeks and said "Thank you." He smiled at me and said "Anything for my beautiful angel." He held my hand and walked me to his car. We got in the car and he started to drive.

We arrived at the beach, the wind blew in my face and the smell of the salty water was amazing. We had a small picnic, it was a beautiful night and a beautiful diner. We started walking to the rocks, the water hit the rocks perfectly. Anthony looked me in the eyes and kneeled down on one knee. He said "Ali, I love you so much. You are the only girl I have truly loved and I'm glad that we are back to us. I love you so much, will you marry me?" A tear slowly slid down my face when he asked. I took a moment to answer. I said "Yes!!!" He hugged me and slid the ring on. It was beautiful and I loved it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Did you like the ending? Happy Valentines Day!!! Do you have a valentine? If you don't, you'll find someone eventually. Love just takes time and patience. Hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day.

Perfect Two-Auburn

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