Chapter 11

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I ran to the bar, hoping they didn't start the war. I really loved Ryan, and I needed to tell him how I felt. I ran in the bar with eyes on me. Ryan saw me immediately and walked up to me. I smiled as he approached me. He asked kindly "What are you doing here?" I came a little closer to him and said "I needed to tell you something really important." He smiled and asked "What would that be?" I sighed and said "I love you," that took all my courage to say that to him. I'm glad I did say that. His smile widened and he said "I love you too." Our lips touched, they collided and created warmth. Our first kiss, it was actually amazing.

We broke away, I turned to my left to hear a door slam. Anthony stood there, he said "WHAT THE HELL! Alison, I forbid you to talk to that traitor." Before I was able to speak, he pulled me away from Ryan. I had just realized that I actually fell in love with Ryan. He was my true love. Anthony was holding a gun firmly in his right hand. I stood in front of Anthony and said "No, this isn't right." I kept staring at Ryan, he looked really upset. I understood his pain, we just got separated and I love him. I ran to him, hoping he would smile at me. He did, I hugged him tightly. Anthony looked confused for a few moments. He then realized what was happening. I felt bad that I kinda betrayed him even though he betrayed me first.

I stood in front of Ryan and said "Don't you dare hurt him." Ryan moved me a little, I heard a shot blast out from a gun. I just didn't know who's gun it was from, I looked down and saw blood. It was coming from my stomach. I looked up and saw Anthony, he shot me. I fell down to the ground. It was cold, and I saw a light. I was scared to go towards it. I was leaving my life way too early. I was leaving the one person I loved. My true love, Ryan. Ryan came rushing over, he held me tightly. Before I went to the light, he said "I'm sorry! I didn't protect you and I should have. You were my true love from the day I met you. I love you so much and I don't want you to leave this world." I smiled and said "I love you so much. Remember that you are my true love too. Goodbye Ryan!" I went to the light and that was the end for me. So I guess this is goodbye...

How did you liked the book? Did you enjoy this chapter? Was it too sad? How did you like the ending? Did Alison and Ryan belong? Hope you enjoyed it. If you have a true love, I suggest you should keep them close. Keep the people you love most close to you because someday they might leave you. 

We'll Be The Stars~ Sabrina Carpenter.

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