Chapter 5

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It has been a couple of days since Anthony proposed to me. I was going to tell Zayn today, he didn't know and I decided he needed to know. I walked in the kitchen, the smell of fireball hit my nostrils strongly. I looked around to find Zayn, I didn't see him the only thing I saw was a note from him.

Dear Ali,
I'll be back in a few days. Anthony and I had some business to attend. Please stay in the house, we don't want anything to happen to you.
Love, Zayn.

I put the note down and headed towards the bathroom. I removed my makeup and walked out the bathroom. I heard a knock coming from the front door. I opened it slowly to see the two people I hate the most. There stood Ryan and Matt. They both smiled evilly. I rolled my eyes, before I could shut the door they both walked in. I asked "What the hell are you two doing here?" Ryan stood in front of me, he bit his bottom lip. I looked into his eyes and he said "We came to see if you want to have dinner with us. Not a date, I know Anthony would kill me." I chuckled and said "Sure, when?" Ryan said "Now." I nod my head and they both lead me to the car.

We arrived at a small diner, at the corner of the pub thats right around the corner from my house. We walked in and the waitress said "Good afternoon Ryan." Ryan smiled at her for a moment and said "Good afternoon Lucy, this is Alison. She's a friend." Lucy nodded her head and lead us to a small table by a window of the diner. Ryan sat next to me and Matt sat across from us. I asked "Why the hell did you come to my house?" They tried to avoid the question but I kept pushing it. Matt finally answered me. He said "We actually needed to talk to you. We want you in our gang." I gave them both a confused expression, I asked "Why would I do that?" Ryan answered me "If you want to save your fiance than you will do what we say." I took a slip of my coke and said "Fine. I'll do it." They both smiled and continued to eat there food.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Did you like it? I really felt confident about this one. Hope you liked it.

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