7₪ Ethanol and Fire ₪7

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"Beer?" Steve offers the blond Australian who sat at the bar counter with her third glass of water.

Jo only scoffs before taking a long sip of her hydrating water. "Alcohol doesn't mix well with me." She admits.

Sam, who sat next to the woman with his second beer in his hand, looked at the woman funny. "What? Does it give you the squirts or something?"

Jo raises her eyebrows at the grotesque comment. "No... But I once took a chemistry class and learned that fire and Ethanol don't mix very well."

Sam looks at the woman completely flustered. "Ethanol?"

Even Steve knew what Ethanol was. However, Jo stills further explains why a fire breathing woman should not drink alcohol. "Have you ever gone to a circus? Or maybe Hawaii?"

Sam scoffs. "I went to Hawaii once, but it rained the entire time"

"Oh you poor thing." The blond fake pouts before resorting back to drawing her lips into a straight line. "Did you ever get to see those fire breathers?"

Sam thinks about this for a second before nodding his head. "Yes, and I remember thinking that they were nuts to do that but I also secretly wanted to try it myself."

Jo just rolls her eyes. "They use Ethanol to produce the effect of blowing flames. And since you are a five year old trapped in an adult body, I'll just blatantly put that Ethanol is actually alcohol. So, should a woman with pyromaniac powers drink an Ethanolic infused drink? Probably not."

Sam takes his dumbfounded look to his beer and tries to process everything that had been explained to him. "Gotcha." He stutters awkwardly.

"Finally." Jo says with sass while taking another long sip of her water.

A change in mood settles in when T'Challa roughly stomps into his large room at the center of his house. "Turn on the T.V., now." The King demands with authority.

"What's going on?" Steve questions while following the King slowly to the T.V.

"I'll show you." T'Challa grabs the black remote from the small coffee table which sat between the two white sofas, and clicks the on button.

"A large UFO, about the height of Seattle's space needle has landed in the Pacific Ocean seven miles from Shi Shi beach in Washington. Officials are setting up roadblocks about ten miles around the beach as a safeguard for the people. There is no word or mention on if the Avengers are going to attend to the situation. However, Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross has said that he is doing his best to muster up a defense squad just in case there is an attack-"

Steve runs his hand down in face in an exhausted motion. "Why the hell are more aliens here on Earth?" The Captains sighs and slumps down on the white sofa.

"You know what this means, right?" King T'Challa slumps down onto his sofa next to the Captain.

"We can't call Tony." Steve picks up on T'Challa's indication.

The King shrugs. "I think we might have to."

"What might we have to do?" Tove asks while her and the rest of the card playing crew reappears from the pits of the training room.

"Look for yourselves." Jo directs her hand in the general direction of the T.V.

"Is that an Alien ship?" Clint asks with scrunched eyebrows. "Another one?"

Steve nods. "I'm afraid so."

"Shit." Clint adds befor hitting his back against a wall and sliding down into a squat position. "This is exactly what we need right now." He drops his face in his hands. "My wife's gonna be pissed."

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