Mission : Lost

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In second book - List World - After Death of Boston - I know I'm doing a lot if death right now XD also don't judge the title because I have nothing.

  The Red and purple motorcycle took a sharp turn and transformed at a nearby forest. She leaped up onto s tree and sat there thinking of what had happened.

  She heard an engine coming down the road and climbed higher into the tree. Arcee stopped and looked around and stared at the top of the tree.

  "Honestly, I'm sorry for your loss, " She muttered and looks up "what do you know about loss? " Rhineblade growled and flipped off the tree. "We still have a chance to keep Earth safe,  and keep all the others ones you love, " The blue femme looked up at her.

  "I lost all of them!  My dad left me when I was younger,  my mom died,  Boston's mother died and so did her! " She all but yelled. The other lowered her head.

Purple blaster fire split between the two making them jump and point guns. The two looked at eachother and transformed speeding through the forest.

"team Prime can you read?" Arcee comes and transformed to her Cybertronians mode.  "Loud and clear,  something up? " Bulkhead responded on the other line.

  " 'Cons, " She responded and waited for a response.  "Scrap! " She muttered and held up her gun towards the area.

Rhineblade walked around and saw the few vehicons that stood in the open. She saw no humans and cooked her head.

Another fired their cannon and charged towards them.  Rhineblade dodged the fire,  just barely and they followed the opposing's lead.

One swung a punch at Arcee and missed as she punched him in the face. It stumbled a bit and saw her gone.  He looked up and hit the ground with the femme holding him down. She shot him and ran off to another.

The Red and blue femme got knocked across the field by the 'Cons kick and groaned as she got up. She gasped and saw the blaster coming towards her.  She back handspringed repeatedly and stopped when she was at a far enough distance.

She grabbed her bow and charged at the con and jumped far enough into the air and fired.  The arrow hit the vehicon in his the helm and slowly gleamed blue. She landed far enough from it and heard the bomb about to blow.

Arcee ran off next to her friend and watched the Blue fire spread across the field,  blowing off the 'Cons to pieces.

  Rhineblade grinned and it soon faded as she realized this won't bring back Boston's life. She signed and saw the others just arriving. They looked at the ring of blue fire and questioned how.

  The femme sighed and transformed to her alt mode.  Her hologram appeared on the bike and she took off down the long way.

   Arcee turned around and signed forcefully. Bumblebee set a serve on her shoulder plate causing her to jump. He beeped and whirred in a concerned tone.  She nodded once and he put his servo to his side.

  She watched her speed off and sighed again.  She transformed and spend off towards her,  denying what Bumblebee had said.

Her friend could be at grave risk with the decepticons still out there.


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