Pep talk

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I know that I have been doing so many ships in these one-shots and this book could honestly just be a book of canon ships...but since I would want to expand the ship of Bee x Cee, I will write as many ideas that come to my brain (which there is a lot ) and write them out.


    Cybertronians chatted amongst one another as others raced to get elsewhere. A blue motorcycle with and black and yellow muscle car races down the street, others calling out and praising them.

Arcee flipped into her bi-ped and Bee jumped out of his transformation. They silently patrolled the area for any strange activity.

"It feels strange," Arcee muttered quietly and the former Scout turned to her. "What do you mean?" He questioned.

"With Optimus having to sacrafice and Megatron still alive and with 'Cons being Primus knows where, they could start their whole plan all over again and we would have to fight for our home again....," She pointed out and Bumblebee raised an optic ridge.

"Our team has been through a lot, that's for sure, but we can still kick 'Con tailpipe, we haven't retired," He remarked and received a light chuckle from them both.

Her smiled faded when she thought of her lost comrades. "Cliffjumper and Tailgate are safe in the All Spark and are safely watching over us," He assured and set a servo on her shoulder. She placed a servo on his and nodded slowly.

"I could of done something, but I didn't, I broke down, I screamed, I should of known that ruthless 'Con would of never listened, only watch and laugh at my struggling," Arcee kept beating herself down and shrugged away his servo.

"I'm just a failure," She growled and turned her servo to a cannon and pointed it to her helm. Bee grabbed her cannon and pointed it away from herself.

"Where is the femme that told me to keep my emotions in check when Raf? Where is the one that risked her spark to go after Optimus when he was...out? Where is my best friend?" He questioned in a knowing tone.

"I know your normally the one to give pep talks, but it's my turn and the femme I know, I'm pretty sure is right here," He pointed towards her and looked her in the optics. "If you ever thought about joining the All Spark by force, just remember Jack," He reprimanded. She looked at his honest optics.

"Please, stay with me?"He asked and looked at his peds. Her blaster turned to her servo and she placed it on the side of his helm. "Gladly," She accepted and her lips met with his.

His optics widened and the sudden course of action. When they parted she slowly nodded and looks at the road ahead.

"We should continue our patrol on bi-ped," Arcee stated and started walking.

Bumblebee caught up soon and heard a sparkling ask its sire, "Why did Optimus die? He is a legend..."

Arcee and Bumblebee exchanged glances and the former scout bent down to the younger one. It's optics widened when he saw the black and yellow mech. Bee parted his lips as he spoke with a smile.

"Legends don't die, they transform."

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