Family is all I need

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This is a one-shot on how Jack lost his father with an Alternate ending.

Warning :  SADNESS is approaching


A young four year old kid giggled as he ran in a large grey t-shirt, with very loose jeans that followed him as he ran.

"Can't catch me!" He giggled more and tripped over the long sleeve. He giggled some more and turned to his mother that laughed gently.

He smiled and raised his arms, ready to be picked up. A small white car pulled up into the driveway, the engines coming to a stop as the person removed the keys.

A man in dark blue eyes, a white doctor's coat, black hair with a lighter black undercut, holding a first aid kit to his side and he approached. He gave a warm smile as his wife ran up and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Daddy!" Jackson yelled and wrapped his arms around his neck as his mother let go. "Hey Jack," He greeted and set him down, ruffling his hair. He frowned slightly and looked at the boy's clothes.

"Where did you find these?" The father asked and bent down to his level. "In your closet...I was treasure hunting..." He muttered sheepishly and looked at his toes.

The older man chuckled and held Jack's hand as they walked into the house. June was preparing Dinner while Jack and his father talked.

"Your birthday is coming up soon, isn't that right?"James, the Father, asked and smiled. Jack nodded and danced around.

"What do you want most?" He quizzed, trying to note what he would want. "All I want is for ouw family to always be togethew and be happy fowevew!" He wished and hugged his father.

Jack's mom smiled slightly at the conversation and continued cooking. She heard a small 'ow' squeak out of him as he clutched his heart for second. She frowned and noticed this before she continued cooking.


That night, Jack was aching in pain, crying, thrashing clutching his heart and tossing onto the floor.

The door busted open, his mother and father picking him up and running him outside. An orange and white ambulance pulled up, allowing them to set him inside.

Tears streamed down his face as he sucked his thumb and tried to ignore the pain.

When they arrived at the hospital, James and June sat in the empty waiting room. They looked at each other, clearly worried when the nurse walked in.

"You may go see him if you'd like," She whispered and side stepped. They nodded and the Father was stopped by the nurse. "He is very sick, his heart isn't very well and it can't be cured, " She whispered. He knew there was something else she needed to add. "But there is one way..."

June peeked through the door, laying eyes upon her son, pale skin and eyes closed as he laid there. She covered her mouth with her hands and rushed to the bed, placing her hand on the side of his face.

"Oh...Jack," She whispered and closed her eyes. James walked in slowly and set a hand on her shoulder. He whispered something into her ear. She looked at him.

"Why won't you be here for your son's birthday?" She snapped slightly. "They... need me Here... To do some research..." He quietly whispered and looked at his shoes.

"Be careful then,"  She whispered and kissed him before he said his goodbye to his son and left the room.

He left the room and looked at the nurse.

"I'm Ready."


June sat in the waiting room and they did procedures on her son. James has not been responding to her phone or calls, nor texts, worrying her.

She shook and rubbed both her arms nervously and looked up at the woman in front of her. She looked down and gave a hopeful smile.

"Jackson is alive and well, he keeps rambling on about how he had everything he wanted and can't wait to see you," She informed and June smiled and started walking into the room.

She gasped and ran to hug Jack as he reached out for her. "Hi mom!  They gave me a sticker!" He beamed proudly and his mother smiled down as she observed the star like sticker.

"Daddy says that he has your present at home," She smiled and her son nodded, looking at the nurse who just shrugged.

Once he was able to leave the hospital, he gotten dressed, held his mom's hand, and left the hospital as she signed out.

They gotten into the car and drove down to their house that wasn't too far from the medical area.

Jackson hopped out the car, tripping one his shoelace, but quickly regaining balance. His mother unlocked the door and he quickly ran to his room.

A note was left on the bed and he read it carefully. Tears started fill in his eyes as he continued reading.

Dear Jack,
                  If your reading this, everything went OK. When you had your heart start to give out, I couldn't bare to see it. The only thing I could do, was give you my birthday present.

The only present I could give you,  the best one I could possibly do for you.

I present to you, my heart that is now with you. I will be by your side as long as that heart is still beating. I know my spirit will always be here, with you.

I love you, Jack, and
    Happy Birthday.

I pulled at my heart, I cried, I couldn't even wrote this because I was so shaky and hurt by this.

This is what happens when I feel like I  need to let out all my emotions into one thing, I would have made it worst but I'm sure there would have been s large pile of fan girls crying in a corner or hugging four year old Jack.

Sadly, sincerely, if your not shaking which I am.


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