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Derek Morgan groans heavily as he steps off the elevator back into the main section of the BAU, Behavior Analysis Unit where he worked as one of the top, leading profilers in the entire FBI. Not something that was easy to lead up to or to maintain as he was surrounded by brilliant minds daily and psychotic minds that were just as horrifyingly scary as well as impressive. Intimidating as it might sound, he knew how to handle it. Being in the BAU for over three years, finally out of the Rookie stage and able to take on harder, more serious cases then he had been assigned before, business came natural to him.

But this last case had taken over two weeks to complete. It was one of the harder ones, involving children, his least favorite kind. A women had just recently lost her newborn child when a fire broke out of her own apartment building. She had been over worked and exhausted, the child's father had abandoned them before the kid was even born so needless to say the mother was under tremendous amounts of stress. The fire had been her fault, having fell asleep while trying to cook a quick dinner, her baby asleep down the hallway when it started. It quickly spread throughout the house, reaching the child's room first, killing the baby before the flames had even reached her. Nothing but a horrible tragedy, that took her on a kidnapping spree.

In the end they caught her, after kidnapping over a half dozen newborns from a local hospital, she tried to hid them long enough for the cops presents to wear thin as it usually did when the crime rate in Chicago was at its all time high. The local cops had been tired of being behind her every step of the way when they had called the FBI and asked for the BAU's assistance. Their team leader SSA Aaron Hotchner had briefed them on the case, giving them little time to waste before immediate action had taken place.

Only a half hour later, they were on the jet to Chicago, they needed to give the local police a working profile and catch her before she could decide what to do with the children. Unlike most cases, this one ended on a good note, or as well as it could have. The mother had been found within 48 hours of the kidnapping, all seven of the children were found safe and sound, however the mother, unable to deal with the loss of her only child, took her own life before they could stop her. It was one of the downfalls of the job.

Now here he was, two weeks and no sleep later, going to collect his things before heading home for the night. The entire building was alive and operational, being only a little after six pm, Hotch had given them the rest of the night off. They were running mostly on adrenaline and coffee, that could only last for a certain amount of time.

The elevator doors opened and he couldn't help but smile. Seeing his baby girl standing there with a large cup of coffee and a smile on her face. His best friend Penelope Garcia was a marvel, a goddess and a computer genius all rolled up into a blonde bubbly force of nature. She was their technical analyst, having been recruited under extreme circumstances of which even he did not have clearance for. He took the cup of coffee and leaned in close to kiss the side of her cheek. To anyone else they would have looked like a strange couple, making unorthodox comments and sexual suggestions were frowned upon in the work place. But the truth was, neither of them cared and it was over looked frequently. Garcia did not play for that team, she was spunky and very gay and they had a very unusual relationship.

"Look at you my sexy profiler, you look absolutely beat." She said with honest to God worry in her voice, using odd nicknames often helped her separate from the horrifying job they both shared, it was a coping mechanism.

He cracked a panty dropping smile, ignoring his bodies urgent messages to just collect his stuff and speed home. He could always make time for her, always. "Not to worry mama, just another day at the office." Derek put his arm around her and together they walked towards his desk to gather his brief case and the rest of his personal items.

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