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The drive back to Spencer’s house was suprisingly long considering it was just a few minutes up the road from the club they were at. Since Spencer was the one drinking, even it was only a beer or two, Derek insisted that they take his car and come back for Spencer’s the next morning. Reid accepted but it gave them one more thing to think about while they drove, would they be together in the morning or would Spencer have to get his car back alone? Since neither of them knew the answer, it hung heavy in the air between them. Derek seemed a lot more concerned about it, Spencer just flirted like a high school girl and continued to wink at him the entire time.

About halfway to Spencer’s apartment, things in the car got very tense. With what happened between them at the club, they both knew that them going back to one of their places could only mean one thing. Spencer was more confident and he should be but Derek was hesitant, he had plenty of game when it came to charming women but this was something he wasn’t familiar with at all. Men hadn’t been on his radar until a few days ago. Now here he was, trying to keep his mind from wandering too far before he freaked himself out.

Reid however, wasn’t having any of it, he looked at Derek with a devious smirk on his face and all but leaned out of his seat to get next to Morgan. He could feel the hard lines of his body pressing into his own, all that muscle tense and ready to be released and lucky him, he was about to see it first hand and be the object of that desire. It made things inside of him burn hotter than he had ever felt. Spencer put his mouth right up against Derek’s ear and let his warm breath coast over that dark skin. The reaction was instantaneous, Derek’s body jerked and a low growling sound came from his mouth.

“Reid, I’m trying to drive here.”

Spencer hummed in his ear, “yes, I see that. And?”

“And if you keep doing that, we are never going to make it back to your house.”

“With how fast you are driving, we are almost there already. Getting the fun started a little early will only add to how amazing it will be once we are able to get inside.”

The promise of that dirty fun made Derek push his foot down harder on the gas petal. Spencer swayed in between the seats but gripped Derek’s large bisep to steady himself. His strong grip didn’t even made the skin on Derek’s arm move, that’s how well he was in shape.

“You are such a damn tease Reid, I can’t even think straight right now.” Derek groaned and tried to polietly nudge him back into his own seat. His jeans were already strained as tight as they could possibly go across his crotch. Any tighter and the zipper would split in two.

Spencer just smiled and sucked on his ear lobe, “I love teasing you Derek. Seeing someone so strong willed and I want to see if I can break all of it. Wanna see how far I can bend you before you relax and give in to what you really want.”

“I promise pretty boy, that if you don’t ease up, I’m gonna show you how far I can bend you before you break, count on that.”

Now Spencer moaned into his ear, “so good with that dirty talk Derek. I love the growl in your voice.”

Derek gripped the wheel tighter and finally stopped at the last red light before he could pull into Spencer’s driveway. He moved fast, gripping Spencer around the waist and almost pulling him into his lap. He grabbed him around the throat and brought their mouths very close together and Derek could see where Spencer hesitated. His mouth opening as if to object to the promise of that coming kiss.

“Unless you are finally going to let me kiss you, you better keep those sexy hands to yourself because I’m so close to my breaking point.
I’m known to get a little aggressive after so much teasing.”

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