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The day had gone extremely well since Derek was on a serial killer case and not vacation, or home where he wanted to be. After his talk with Hotch, the tension in the BAU had settled down enough to wrangle some good leads on their UnSub. Talking to Garcia on the phone, however not alone yet but with the entire group had been back to normal. No silent treatment from her all day long.

After his “talk” with Spencer last night, Derek had showered and eaten a few pieces of food from room service before passing out for a good five hours before another kidnapping was reported to Hotch, who had called them all into the office. Five hours of sleep normally didn’t do it for him but after being so well rested from certain activities with Spencer on the phone, he was refreshed and ready to end this. If only to get back to his pretty boy, not stuck hours away.

Right at the moment, the rest of the team was in the field. Hotch knew that Derek needed a few moments alone to properly call his baby girl and the others would know if he was keeping something from them. Hotch had told him that JJ had walked in while he was talking about Spencer, she didn’t ask any questions..yet but that wouldn’t last for long. She had a sharp mind and Spencer was always like her little brother, and the godfather to her son. She would eventually get tired of the run around and both Hotch and Derek needed to tell them before that happened.

But now that Derek was alone, supposed to be going over the geographical profile, he couldn’t rest his mind. It kept going back to what he and Spencer had done last night. Okay, so it wasn’t actually sex but phone sex was something. Not the usual flirting they had been doing, not even as heated as what happened at his house but still, people don’t do that stuff with just anyone. And Derek had never done it with a man before, come to think of it, he didn’t even think twice before it got started.

What was remarkable all by itself was how fast he was ready to participate in it. It wasn’t something he expected to happen and he was 99% sure Spencer hadn’t planned it that way but doing it, with him at least, it all felt so natural. It didn’t end with an embarrassing goodbye as it could have been and he felt more rested with just phone sex then actual sex had given him. All he knew for sure, is that he wanted more of it. He didn’t want how he was feeling to end, Derek felt like he was high in the clouds, not stuck on a case.

His phone ringing pulled him out of his erotic day dream. Which he shouldn’t be having at work, not if he could help it. He glanced at the caller ID this time and it was finally Garcia. He smiled and answered the phone, “well there she is, how you doin today mama?”

Garcia’s normal giggle sounded over the phone, “doing well my chocolate God, at least as well as I can with my number one man in the field.”

Derek laughed, “yeah, it’s not ideal but it’s work. I wanted to call you last night. Tried to a few times but you didn’t answer.”

Her voice got quiet for a moment, “I know, I reacted badly and I was just confused. Hotch filled me in on the highlights but not everything. Would rather hear it from you and not him however.”

Derek winced, “I know baby girl. And I was going to tell you. That day when you came over, that was the night I told Spencer what I learned from Hotch. I didn’t, couldn’t tell anyone else before I talked with him.”

“Looks like you did more than talk Derek.” She giggled again, excitement plain on her bubbly voice.

“Oh trust me, that had not been on my agenda for that evening but I won’t lie to my best girl, I didn’t mind so much.”

She full out laughed this time, “you didn’t mind? Are you kidding me Lord, you had the boy half naked on your lap and there was most defiantly grinding.”

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