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Spencer knew he heard the words correctly. There was no way he could mistake those words for anything other than what they were. And it wasn’t the typical “I love you” either, what he said, how he said it…it changed everything. He learned from experience that saying ‘I love you’ to someone can be taken a hundred different ways and never come across the way you meant it. But of course Derek knew that, which is why he phrased it the way he did….He said “I have been in love with you for a long time.” That was better than three words.

He stared up at Derek’s handsome face, his body still touching every inch of his except their lips. He had pulled back and given Spencer enough time to process. Problem was, Spencer didn’t know if he would ever be able to process what he heard, what had happened. The warmth from Derek’s skin still pressed against his and he could feel where their mixed arousal was drying against their skin, yet no words had passed between them.

It wasn’t like he could just say, “hey, I love you too” and have it mean anything. Most people said it back just so they didn’t come off as rude. But it was easier to give people hope by saying it and that’s just what people did. People, but not him. He said what he felt, what he meant. So what did he feel now?

Spencer licked over his bottom lip, still tasting where Derek had kissed him and he could tell by the way Derek kissed, that he wasn’t lying when he said he was in love with him. That kiss said it all. Now it was his turn. “You snuck that up on me ya know?”

Derek smiled, brushing more unrully hair from his eyes, “I know, if I gave you time to think then I wouldn’t have been able to do it.” His thumb brushed over that pouting lip once more. Already missing the feel of them against his own.

“That’s probably true. And I know you meant what you said.”

“Do you?” Derek asked, half playing.

Spencer nodded, his right hand come up to trace the fine lines of Derek’s face. It still baffled him that someone that looked like Derek was interested in him. For shit sake, the man was sex on legs…that had wonderful, powerful legs by the way. “I do, you didn’t say the cliched
‘I love you’, that’s how I know.”

Derek smiled down at him, still happy with himself that he hadn’t had a major freak-out for being with a man for the first time. “It’s easy for people to get confused when they say that, I wanted to make it clear between us.”

“I know, that’s why I hate when people say I love you. It means too many different things these days.”

“I think I have known for a long time. Probably longer than I care to admit. There has always been this connection between us. We were two completely differentp people, who normally wouldn’t be friends but we surpassed all that. We became inseperable.” Derek leaned forward just enough so their forheads touched before he spoke again, “then before I knew it, you were gone. Now you’re back.”

“I am.” Spencer couldn’t hide his smile, the way his body felt right now and it wasn’t because of what they had done, this was something deeper. Kiss worthy deeper..

“I’m also happy you didn’t just say it back to me.”

Spencer cocked his head to the side, “why’s that? Most people would take offense to it.”

“First off, I’m not most people. Second, I don’t want to push that on you if you don’t feel the same. Hell, if you said it now, I’d call you a liar.”

Spencer chuckled, loving how weighed down he felt with Derek laying on top of him, “I was thinking the same thing. But…”

Derek raised his eye brows, “but?”

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