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Derek looked at his phone, waiting for Spencer to message him back. He hadn’t sent a gift to him and was now a little worried that it might be something bad. Hotch looked like he always did, face drawn up into a stern look but Derek could see the worry lines on his face.
His boss was very good at schooling his facial expressions but not this time. It was as clear as day. After a few agonizing minutes of waiting, Derek gave Hotch one more look and Hotch nodded the same time he did.

He dialed Spencer quickly and waited for him to answer. His free had was hovering over the butt of his gun, like somehow it made him feel more in control to have it there, not that he would need it for anything at the moment.

“Come on pretty boy, pick up the damn phone.” Derek all but growled into the phone, using only will power to somehow make Spencer answer the phone.

Spencer finally picked up, his voice a little strained but at least he answered, “Derek?”

He let out a deep breath, one he had been holding in since that last text message. He could already feel his blood pressure going down slightly. Even Hotch, who never relaxed, wasn’t as uptight as he was a few seconds ago. One word could change so much for the both of them.

“Don’t scare me like that baby, everything okay?” Derek didn’t tone down his pet names for Spencer, not even with his boss standing there. He had to hide his feelings for so long that he was over it at the moment, he didn’t care who heard him or what their opinions might be on the subject, the only thing that mattered to him at the moment was Spencer.

“Of course I’m okay Derek, why wouldn’t I be?” Even as much as he tried to hide it, Spencer knew that Derek would pick up the strangeness of his voice, it hitched a little with every breath. He was nervous and wasn’t sure why.

Derek shook his head, “you text me an odd message about a gift, that wasn’t from be by the way, then you go radio silent? I don’t like that at all.”

Spencer chuckled nervously, “I didn’t mean to freak you out. Are you sure you didn’t send this though? I’m not sure who else would send me anything.”

“Baby, I didn’t send you anything. What is it anyways?”

The hesitation was clear in his voice, he knew what it was and what it was used for but not why he was having these reactions to it. It wasn’t like he ever used drugs like this before. Sure less evil and addicting drugs but never anything hardcore like this.

“Uh, it was just sitting at my door. I figured it had to be you since know one else would send me anything.”

Derek was smart enough to know that Spencer was stalling, trying to draw the conversation in a different area but it wouldn’t work, “don’t mess with me Spence, what was it?”

He let out the breath he had been holding, “it’s two small vials of dilaudid. I have no idea why anyone would send this to me but for some reason I can’t stop looking at them.”

Derek’s heart seized up in his chest. Fear and anger building up inside him. That one word had done so much damage in their past that to even hear it, made him want to throw up or attack something. He had hoped never to hear that word again.

“Spence, listen to me very carefully. I want you to put it back in the box and leave it alone until I get there. Do you understand?”

“I already put it back Derek, why don’t you tell me whats going on.”

Derek looked at Hotch for something. What, he wasn’t sure. Comfort or maybe he hoped to see anger on the older mans face as well but
Hotch hadn’t heard that part of the conversation yet. He just looked at Derek with that stern look, waiting patiently for the news.

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