Nightmare (chapter 2)

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I dropped the glass of water on the floor in complete horrible sick feeling.

I knelt down to clean up the broken shards of glass.

"Why the fuck did you do that for? You will have to pay for this. There will be concequences" a sharp angry voice said.

I knew this voice I looked up and saw my abusive older brother Ryder.

I hated that he came home everynight and just abuse my body as if I was a toy or object to him, a distraction or a "thing" he could release his anger on.

He walked closer to me. I flinched thinking he was going to hit me.

But he went to the draw instead. I wondered what he was getting.

The next thing I know he has a knife in his hand with the blade facing me.

He reached down forcefully grabbing my arm.

He placed the blade in the crease of my arm.

At first pushing down gently.

"You made me do this, everything I do to you is because of your stupid little self" he proudly said without regret.

I knew he had been drinking, it was all down to the alcohol.

He pressed the blade in harder making me hiss in pain.

The blade then was removed and put on my thigh.

It was pushed deeper every part of my body.

Lastly he pushed the blade in my stomach and twisted it.

Finally he stopped with the blade and put that on the side.

Although, he grabbed a bottle of whisky from the cupboard.

He pulled off the lid, then had one mouthful of the alcohol.

Began pouring it on my cuts which made me scream in aggony.

He placed the empty bottle on the counter leaving me there in pain.

"You worthless uncaring person" I said with anger from my pain.

He turned around with more furious look in his face.

He came over to me clunching his fist.

He than swung his fist towards my face.

He hit me right in the side of my face.

He than walked away smirking as if he thought he won this arguement, like he thinks he won everynight, won everything he wanted.

Nothing I wasn't used to, as this happened everynight.

This wasn't the worst he could possibly do to me.

I got up off of the floor watching the blood drip from my wounds.

I slowly made my way to my room where I got undressed and ran a shower.

I stood there looking down letting the water wash away the blood burning my skin.

I began to cry, everything that has happened to me in the past flashed in my mind.

I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my used and hurt body.

Just throwing on some light weight clothes, I layed in bed.

I stared at the clock saying it was half one in the morning.

I slowly drifted away in my thoughts sleeping if I was in heaven.

6:30am my alarm went off.

I got up out of bed, had got ready for school.

I felt relieved it was morning as I knew Ryder wouldn't be home.

I got all my school stuff and began to walk to school.

I got there just in time.

As the bell went of I began to walk to class.

Half the school day has passed and I haven't seen Ash all day.

"Mackenzie you there? Hello can you answer my question" shouted my maths teacher holding out the calk for me to answer the question on the board.

I snapped out of my thoughts and shyly stepped up to the board to answer what y x yz is.

I began to panic as i didnt pay attention in the lesson.

The door swang opened and I looked to my right where it was.

To only see Ash he stepped over to me.

All the other girls were daydreaming about him.

Ash than pucked me up and put me on his shoulder walking out of class.

We exit the school building just to the side of his car.

I kept hitting him until he put me down.

He opened the door to his car signaling for me to sit in the car.

He than sat in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I mummble to Ash.
"Do you trust me?" He replied.
"Yes I do" I said with confusion.

He began to drive but he saw that I was nervouse.

He put his hand on my thigh slightly touching with his finder tips.

I breathed deeply because it was the leg with the cut on it.

I was wearing light blue jeans and when Ash looked down at his hand that was on my thigh he noticed the blood coming through.

He made a sharp left I didn't know where he was going.

We pulled up at his house well I think it was.

We got out and entered this house on the end of a road.

He walked into his room and grabbed a pair of old jeans for me to change into.

As he handed me the jeans he wanted to know what happened to me.

I told him I would tell him once I changed.

I went into the bathroom taking off mine and putting on a clean pair of jeans.

As i exit the bathroom Ash led me to the front room.

He placed his hand on my cheek moving my hair behind my ear revealing my broose in my cheek.

His face reaction dropped as he wonder who would do such a arful thing.

He stared at me, "What happened to you Mac?" He said in a worrying voice.

"It was nothing just, my brother" I replied in a hesitating voice.


How could Ash react?

What would happen next?

Hope you guys enjoyed my second chapter I tried my best to not let out all my ideas yet and try and create suspence.


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