Hospital (chapter 10)

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As the ambulance is minutes away I was clutching my stomach in pain and Ash was holding my hand with a mixture of emotions on his face such as anger, sadness and scared.

I knew he would be like this but I didn't expect Paisley to do that.

"Ash look at me I am ok just a little sore. I t will be ok I promise." I said trying to comfort Ash I thin he is more worried than I am.

"It's not going to be ok Mackenzie we could loose the baby." Ash said in a horrified voice.

"Wait your pregnant, and Ash is the father, I will I could be sorry but I'm not." Paisley said in a happy voice.

"That means you could lose it, loose Ash and he will come back to me." Paisley added.

"I will never in my life come back to you EVER and if you have made her loose her baby then I will kill you with my bare hands! DO YOU HEAR ME!" Ash shouts at her as he is frustrated.

The ambulance finally turns up and both Ash and me are taken to hospital.

I had to have a scan to see if the baby is ok now we are both waiting for the results in a room.

Me lying on a bed and Ash next to me on a chair holding my hand.

"Hello Mackenzie I have your results back, the baby is fine but we need to keep you in to heal from your bruises and other injuries." The doctor said making Ash and myself relieved.

"I am so happy to know I am still going to be a father to the most wonderful child and an amazing girlfriend will be a mother." Ash said in a calm voice.

"I know I can't wait any longer for the baby even though I am only 3 weeks gone." I giggle at Ash.

"I am going to stay with you everyday Mackenzie until you get out of hospital." Ash said whilst rubbing the back f my hand with his thumb and looking me in the eyes.

"What about your school work and education." I said to Ash.

"None of that matters to me as I rarely go anyway I only go now to be with you and you are much more important than school, I have to look after the two of you." Ash stated making me giggle.

"Ok Mr Daddy you can stay with me." I put on a smile that was worth everything.

Ash leaned forward and kissed me and then kisses my belly.

This was the perfect moment of my life.

Days have passed and Ash has been here the whole time.

(Friday morning)

I was able to go home today.

I woke up to only see Ash still asleep in the chair.

I slowly get up as I still have a little pain and try to walk to go get changed when I nearly fell but was caught by Ash, how did he get to me so quickly when he was asleep.

"Thanks Ash don't really wanna fall again." I said getting back to the bed.

"Anything for you babe, here let me help you get dressed." Ash replied.

I told him what clothes to get me and he would help me get dressed.

He came other with them and started to put the clothes on me.

"I always thought I would be taking your clothes off not put them on." Ash said in a happy mood which made me laugh.

"Well you will have to wait to do that until the baby is born you nut job." I replied confidently making Ash giggle this time.

"Oh yeah is that so..." Ash said to me edging his face closer to mine kissing my neck then my lips.

I really loved how Ash had a positive and loving affect on me.

We return home to where there was a banner on Ash's door saying 'Welcome home Mackenzie and Baby 1' this made me smile I look at Ash.

"Who did this?" I wondered asking him.

"The boys did it I called them up to have it made and secretly done just for you my love." Ash said with a happy grin on his face.

"I LOVE YOU ASH STYMEST!" I shouted out.


We both laughed and walked through the door taking the banner with up sticking it on the wall.

Ash helped me walk up the stairs and I flopped on the bed with Ash next to me shortly after me fell asleep.


What do you guys think?

I happy ending or would things change?

What could happen next with school?

Will Ryder return?

Find out in chapter 11. Hope you guys like chapter 10. I enjoyed writing it well writing two chapters today making progress. Until next time.


The Girl Who MovedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant