Reveal (chapter 12)

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Monday morning came and I had to go school being I was better but I felt so drained.

"Morning sunshine what's on your mind?" Ash said opening his eyes to face me with his arm around me protecting me.

"I am just worried about going back to school, what if people look at me in  horrible way?" I ask him in a down voice.

"They won't do anything when I am around which I will be all day because I have moved to all your classes and you will have gym class same time as me yet I don't think you will be doing that for a while." Ash stated making me feel better.

"I have a surprise for you, get up." Ash demanded which made me laugh.

He covered my eyes with his hands directing me to a room which I didn't know which one.

"Open your eyes now babe." Ash said in a happy voice as he removed his hands from my face and down to my stomach.

As I open my eyes I only have the feeling of happiness and butterflies in my stomach.

The room was split in half one side was blue the other was pink this was the twins room and that put a smile on my face.

"When did you do all this?" I asked Ash.

"I got the boys to help me out without you knowing and this isn't all there is." Ash replied to me.

"What do you mean Mr Daddy?" I asked Ash.

"I used to have a very bad life in my past drugs, alcohol and hookers but as soon as I met you my life had changed up-side-down it changed me for the better, I knew you wasn't like the others they were nothing compared to you and to know I am going to be a father now and to twins made me even more happy and I want to be there for you and the babies I want to be more to you Mackenzie than just your boyfriend, so Mackenzie Jones will you change to Mrs Stymest and marry me?" Ash said as he got down on one knee right in front of me holding out the biggest crystal love heart diamond ring I have ever seen with three little diamonds each side of the big diamond.

"YES YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" I shout as I began crying with joy.

I hugged him tightly forgetting about my stomach but he didn't as he hugged back but holding the sides of my stomach.

"We should me getting to school now Mrs Stymest." Ash said making me laugh.

"Wait to go to ruin the moment, Mr Stymest and Mr Daddy." I said in reply making him laugh for once.

We both got to the bedroom to change.

We knew we would already be late being the whole proposal thing but we didn't care as it was a special moment.

We got to the front gate and walk in with still shock we wasn't late.

As we walk down the hall everyone watched us up and down.

I look Ash in the eye and he just rubbed my shoulder as his arm was around me.

"It's going to be ok." Ash whispered to me.

H e made me feel relaxed.

As we got to his friends they all fist bumped him.

"So how did it all do?" All the boys said.

"Well what do you think Mackenzie is still here and has the ring on the finger." Ash said with sarcasm.

"Congrats you guys" Alec said as he is the silly and most immature out of all of them.

"Thanks Alec" Both Ash and me said.

*Bells ring*

"We better get going to first class." Ash said to me.

As we walk down the hall way to English the rest of the school watch our every move.

As we enter I go to walk to my seat but someone was already sitting next to it and Ash pulled me to where he sits as there was two empty seats.

As we get there Ash sat down I went to go sit down but Paisley sits down first.

"Oops my bad I guess this seat is taken and you have to go find another one Jones." Paisley said with a smirk on her face whilst moving her hand to Ash's but he pulled away.

"Paisley move now because that is Mackenzie's seat." Ash said with anger in his voice.

"Oh and Paisley her name won't be Jones for much longer." Ash added on to piss her off.

"What do you mean?" Paisley said in a confused voice.

"I am marrying Mackenzie, isn't it obvious I love her." Ash stated to her which made her really angry she stood up and began to walk over to me.

"You better watch out, stay away from Ash." Paisley said to me as she began walking away.

"How can I do that I am living with him, carrying his twins and don't forget I am marrying him as well, why should I stay away?" I shouted at Paisley as she walked out of class I didn't get an answer but Ash giggled.

I turned around and sat in my seat next to Ash.

"Don't worry about her babe she isn't worth it but you are worth everything to me and so do the babies." Ash said to me whilst holding my hand.

I turned to him and he lent in to kiss me.

We kissed and then pulled away.

"I love you Mackenzie Stymest." Ash said whilst having one hand on my cheek and neck gently brushing my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too Ash Stymest and Mr Daddy." I replied whilst interlocking mine and his hands together.


Hope you guys liked chapter 12.

They are engaged now yay.

What could happen next?

Will lies come out from the depth of the earth?

Find out in chapter 13.


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