The scan (chapter 11)

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A couple months have passed and Ash has grown closer than ever to me and further from Paisley.

I was now 20 weeks pregnant and starting to get a bump.

It was the day me and Ash find out if we are having a boy or a girl.

I wake up rubbing my stomach to only see Ash's arm around it comforting the baby and me.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said to Ash as he began to wake up and kiss me on the forehead.

"Morning beautiful and baby soon to be here." Ash replied to what I said which made me giggle.

We climb out of bed, and I head for the shower.

As I got undressed I look at my stomach in the mirror and begin to grin.

Then a sudden set of hands are placed on my stomach and I knew who they were the one and only Ash Stymest.

He began to kiss me on the neck after moving my hair out of the way.

"Your fat babe." He said in a joke way.

"You don't say I am carrying a baby after all." I sarcastically responded to what he said whilst also laughing.

"We should get a shower then get going otherwise we are going to be late for my appointment mister." I said to Ash as he was kissing my shoulder.

We finally was finished and on our way to the hospital for the scan I can't wait to know what I am having.

"I can't wait to know what we are having." Ash said whilst driving but moving one hand to my belly.

"We are having a baby you dumbass." I said in response making him laugh.

We sit there as we wait in the room ready to have the appointment.

"Can Mackenzie Jones please go to room B21" The speaker said.

"That's us now come on slow coach." I said to Ash whilst holding his hand.

"Hello Mackenzie and Ash, ready to see what you are having." The doctor says whilst getting the ultra sound ready with the gel on the stick.

"Everything seem right on them." The doctor stated.

"What do you mean them?" Both me and Ash say.

"Mackenzie and Ash you are having twins, one girl and one boy congrats." The doctor said with excitement.

I look at Ash and feel so excited that we are not having one but two and one of each.

"I love you Mackenzie Jones, I can't believe I am going to be a father to twins one girl and one boy." Ash said with a lot of energy.

"I love you too Ash." I replied to him.

As we finish up we get home and I am so tired that I fall asleep and Ash stayed with me but I don't know how long for.

(Ash's POV)

I am so happy I am having twins and I need to call up the boys to help me paint the spare room for the babies and for me to also go out and get a ring for Mackenzie because I am planning to propose to the love of my life.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know it isn't that long but I promise the next one will be around the normal length also I didn't know what gender to pick so I made it twins.

What could happen next?

How will the proposal go?

Find out in chapter 12 which will be out soon.


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